X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Movie is Out, What Did You Guys Think?

Originally Posted by RellNye

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Just wait for the damn movie to release

Y'all stop excusing this bull @*$$ and shrugging it off.
Great point. Its because of this attitude that Fox does this. Marvel needs to get the rights back for all of their properties. After X2 and X3 I don't see how anyone could be amped for a Wolverine movie

I'm sure they've tried, but this was pretty much Marvel "selling their soul". Without giving up their two biggest properties, theywouldn't have given us the movies they made last year and all other upcoming Marvel movies. I just don't see Fox letting go of Spidey or X-Men anytimesoon
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Just wait for the damn movie to release

Imma laugh if there's another thread when this releases and you guys are like " I knew all along this movie was gunna be piff! never was worried"
yeah because Barakapool will have NT going wild
Originally Posted by RellNye

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Just wait for the damn movie to release

Y'all stop excusing this bull @*$$ and shrugging it off.
Great point. Its because of this attitude that Fox does this. Marvel needs to get the rights back for all of their properties. After X2 and X3 I don't see how anyone could be amped for a Wolverine movie

like i dont even think foxs cares about the OG storyline they just seem to want to throw some of everbody in there
But still I think FOX should have that underlying understanding that real fans of this comic book should be pleased with the OG version of the characters. Thismovie version of Deadpool is only in the movie right? Is there a version of him in the comic books? He just looks ridiculous with those two blades coming outof his forearms... I would have kept it original IMO.
Weapon XI is a new character made for the movie.

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However, he does look like this guy with Wolverine, Daken, minus the mohawk and the two extra claws.

Daken is Wolverine's son, Weapon XI is not Daken.

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Deadpool becomes Weapon XI, this pretty much @$!$! everyone who wants Deadpool to get his own movie. I don't think people are truly grasping the concept of "movie Deadpool". Fox is killing any and all chances of seeing a solo Deadpool movie..
I know Daken's not Weapon XI, I am just comparing on the similarities.

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I agree though. A Wolverine movie isn't doable now, at least not with the movies aftermath. They could always rehash it the same way they did with the Hulk and the Punisher. Make a movie completely different realm from this movie. That could make it work, I guess.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

God damn hype is huge for this.

the trailers did it's job of getting you hyped
but the Deadpool toypicture pretty much killed all of the positivity though
Oh well, onlya little over 2 more months to go, I guess we'll be finding out soon enough.

and that Wolverine Origins: Deadpool is one of my favorite books ever
Originally Posted by RFX45

I know Daken's not Weapon XI, I am just comparing on the similarities.

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I agree though. A Wolverine movie isn't doable now, at least not with the movies aftermath. They could always rehash it the same way they did with the Hulk and the Punisher. Make a movie completely different realm from this movie. That could make it work, I guess.
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Definitely, Marvel really needs to get all of the properties back so they can make them right, like Iron Man and The Hulk.
So any news on why they made Deadpool the WeaponXI?
Hopefully they pull something off where Deadpool loses those powers that were given to him and just put on his mask towards the end, leading to his own movie.
We can only hope so.

Still excited for this movie though
Originally Posted by instant klassic

Wait was that Deadpool at the end shooting optic blasts down with Wolverine behind him?

looks to be. And as optimistic as I still am still about him, it's like it's not even the character Deadpool anymore
Deadpool is pretty much Sylar in this movie.
Oh well, I can't wait until Watchmen tonight!
Hold on so Fox took a character out of the comic books and felt his powers weren''t cool enough so they gave him entirely new powers? Wow, what ahuge @%## you to Ryan Reynolds. This could have been his big blast into mainstream action films.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by instant klassic

Wait was that Deadpool at the end shooting optic blasts down with Wolverine behind him?

looks to be. And as optimistic as I still am still about him, it's like it's not even the character Deadpool anymore

Told y'all.

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