#3...got a feeling ima be eliminated by time #7 comes out :lol:

Think I'll get Big E. or Ryback most likely.
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Punk sleep with a family member or something? :lol:

Every post from you is a Punk downer.

Punk is trash. Always seems uninterested, only puts on a good match with legends, complains on twitter, has AJ fight his battles, and should be wrestling in the women's division with his physique. Though he can cut a decent promo and has good mic skills :rolleyes
Ok, I can get with #22. Since the 2 winners from 22 are the shovel and Shamus (shovels guy).

Hopefully that means Batista will get that spot and have a chance since it seems like Batistas return was HHHs idea and he pushes him.

Even tho I still think Bryan or Punk wins it. Let's hope 22 is the lucky number
Messed up. ForWrestling allows all these Invasion dudes fill up all the Royal Rumble slots. Shame on you Commissioner
Now that I think of it, I should've picked #30. I can picture them not announcing that DBry will enter and have him as the surprise #30 entrant. Especially with him still fresh off of a concussion, it wouldn't be as much work for him being #30. He's my pick to win (maybe something where he and the Wyatt's are the Final 4).

My original plan was for Batista to win, but for some reason, I can picture him and Lesnar going against each other for WM. They might want to use Bryan in the main event, especially with him being just as over as he was during Summerslam. WIth both Batista and Lesnar stating that they are going after the title, I can picture them getting in each other's way.
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WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan was interviewed by StraitsTimes.com  and spoke about a number of topics, including the fact that he is not currently scheduled to participate in Sunday's 30-man Royal Rumble match. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

Not Being Booked For The Royal Rumble Match:

"As of now, I'm not in the 30-man Royal Rumble match, I'm trying to get involved in it. (WWE) COO Triple H doesn't want me anywhere in the Royal Rumble match."
#16..What a stupid number..Got a strange feeling I'm gonna see Axel or Kingston as my entrant..
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