WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

RT @LAWradio: Great carryover for Raw with the question of what happened to Ambrose and whether he bailed on his teammates
All 6 guys looked so good. All of the hype for this match and it surpassed my expectations which were sky high. Amazing.
wwe really messed up giving us that match so late. a long feud between those two groups would have been amazing.
Ill have to download that match later. Im just tuning in now and catching up with the thread. Seems like I just missed the match of the night (kinda figured it would be the Shield/Wyatts)

It also seems like im bombing the prediction contest lol. But that was expected. 
What a great match with The Shield and The Wyatt's. Going to be tough for the divas to follow that! 8)
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