WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Pretty good match..But I hate how Big E didn't sell the hurt shoulder or hurt leg/ankle..Must get his in ring instructions from Cena..
woohoo got a BNB appearance right too! :pimp:

edit: and a Hogan mention :pimp:

on a roll.
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Not a bad match at all. Just enough standout stuff for it not to be a regular "WWE style" match.

BNB question right :pimp:
Eeeeek @ that enziguri kick.  Didn't like the finish though because Big E didn't sell the hurt ankle at all.

Bad News Barrett... on the PPV.  Bad news for the 47% that said he wouldn't be there.

Hulk Hogan mention. 70% predicted that.
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