WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Now a DQ

What is the point of this feud??
None really. Kane was supposed to be CM Punks fued from how it looked like they were building things and they most likely just threw it to D Bry because he doesnt mind doing double duty. And the fans wont mind more of Bryan when they can get it. 
I wish the Shield and Wyatts would face-off in a TagTeam Elimination Chamber this Sunday.
[COLOR=#red]this dance thing is so damn stupid...

she is cute with an accent though. [/COLOR]
Folks doing the Emma dance.......................

Cool of them showing he NXT footage. They acknowledged it!
Anyone else think that Santino and Fandango will get a spot on the WM card while Ziggles get opening duty on Youtube?
Nice WWE. Show us she can go in the ring and then just have her stand on the side while we watch Santino and Fandango go at it again

Atleast make it a mixed tag since I think ive heard Summer can go in the ring too. 
See they mention Santino's BattleARTS Academy but why can't they profile it for a segment so people can know what exactly it is?

But he is a JOKE so why even mention it if you aren't going to make him anything other than a joke.
[COLOR=#red]After the close up... cute... nah...

got a body though.[/COLOR]
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