WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

Based on the predicted individual winners, 64% are picking Team Cena to win.  Shield is only at 28%.  A few picked no contest.  I really think The Shield gets the win here.
Exactly.  Swagger needs all the rehab possible.  Getting a fluke victory to set up a title match at Mania isn't the way to do it.

It's like I'm supposed to believe JaMarcus Russell is gonna come back next year and lead the Jets to the Superbowl
No way Dolph cashes in tonight. It seems pretty much pointless now for him to even have the case.
With what possible story?

I think it's more likely he comes during rock n punk n screws rock lets punk win, then punk gets mad bc he doesnt need help to win - wm match
i like... but then rock would be mad at taker .... so what are they going to do undertaker rock for the 50x time somewhere down the road?

just can't see it happening

Perhaps Taker screws over punk for saying his streak is important blah blah blah idk setting up Punk Taker...

but at this point I don't know. i just hope they swerve us. keep me entertained
Interesting they don't have a more seasoned ref like Mike Chioda in there for this match... :nerd:
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