WWE 2K Official Wishlist

Oct 13, 2001
(I Need SPECIFIC Ideas for this upcoming title)

I will be trying to get these ideas to the team working on the project.

Please give SPECIFIC details.

Type in ENGLISH.

I will put the better ideas into a WORD document and send it to them.

PLEASE no nonsense.

Run it..............
Bring fighting thru multiple backstages back

Bring environmental hot spots back

Make more exclusive move sets for each character

Put owen hart in now that the lawsuit is over
How about regular ring gear updates? Like if a certain wrestler updates their geear (color, etc...). It's just pure aesthetics, but that'd be cool though. Or instant replay perhaps? Oh, and we can always make the commentary better too.
Put everyone in the game to start with, no more of that DLC crap or if you're going to do DLC dont nickel and dime us
I mean WWE 13 was pretty much flawless in terms of gameplay. Just add a stronger story line mode and I think it would be solid
How about regular ring gear updates? Like if a certain wrestler updates their geear (color, etc...). It's just pure aesthetics, but that'd be cool though. Or instant replay perhaps? Oh, and we can always make the commentary better too.


Also, make universe mode better. Allow us to delete belts from shows, instead of hiding them on an inactive superstar. Make every match an epic match with consequences based on match quality instead of completely random ****. I hated trying to create a stable organically only for one person to interfere in the match (with my intention to soildify a partnership) but instead they interfere on behalf of the other superstar, which makes NO sense.
They could put more effort into the crowd so that it doesn't look like a sea of mannequins.
I also want to be able to remove turnbuckle covers, have people bleed on moves that make sense (not just a strong move to the head when their head is red), a variety of moves for when people get thrown into barricades.

Also I want them to cut down on people getting thrown into the fence for damage in HIAC matches. You can just get thrown into the fence like 5 times in a row and get red damage, at least make it necessary to have a strong throw into the fence in order to do significant damage.
Make the game look exactly like TV. Such as, actual TV camera views, actual TV like instant replays, BETTER play by play commentary, realistic blood, EMT's, Entrance interruptions. If there is more, I will list them..
I'd like for things to happen that you have no control over. I'd like a screwjob finish. I'd like for your tag team partner to turn on you. I'd like the ability to do the same. The less predictable the better. That's why wrestling games are the worst at actually representing the product. Wrestling is full of surprises and swerves. You don't get that with a wrestling game.
make an amazing "career / story mode" for each character. Don't half *** it. Allow for 5-10 different storylines based on certain decisions you have to make for each superstar.

Like if you lose a match this happens to your storyline, or if you attack a certain person etc...

allow of alliances to be formed a la The Shield

fix online gameplay

simplify controls
-More unpredictability, the last time I really played was SvR 11 and after a while the "Universe Mode" was repetitive

-Let the flow of the matches be more realistic instead of a ton of reversals and one off moves (slam, try for another slam, computer reverses, computer tries for another slam, player reverses), have "runs" where one person has control, then the other person takes control, etc.

-Royal Rumble eliminations are crap. I don't have the solution, I just know that the most "fun" match to watch, is one of the least fun to play in a video game

-I don't know if 2K/Yukes/whoever can license the technology, but it would be awesome to have something similar to FIFA Game Face

-Have a storyline where the goal is to have all the titles at the same time (8)

I'll post more as I think of them.
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