WSW (White Supremacist Watch) Thread

This is a good example on how to handle a racist. Dude was calm and collected and on his property got everything on video.

Filmer should be able to file a report to the police on a racist encounter so that scumbag can lose his job and go on his background check.


The contractor was begging to get fired. Dude's in the company vehicle (with the Company name, number and employee ID captured in the video), following people to their residence and going on a nonsensical racial tyrad.

Then this.... :smh:
More Whites Are Dying Than Being Born in 26 States



More non-Hispanic whites are dying than being born in New Hampshire and most of New England for several years now, but a new report finds that this trend has spread to 26 states throughout the country and is now the pattern for the country as a whole.

“This is up from just 17 (states) two years previously. We were so shocked by the rapid rise that we actually reran the analysis to make sure we hadn’t made a mistake,” said co-author of report Ken Johnson, a professor of sociology at the University of New Hampshire who has long studied demographics and population trends.

According to the 2016 report, the most recent for which data is available, the United States saw what is known as a natural decrease among non-Hispanic whites – that is, more whites died than were born.

In most states that see a natural decrease among whites, the pattern is balanced by a natural increase among other ethnic and racial groups. However, three states – West Virginia, Vermont and Maine – are seeing more deaths than births overall, largely because their population is predominantly made up of non-Hispanic whites, and New Hampshire may soon follow suit.

“New Hampshire, a state with white natural decrease and with few persons of color, may also face overall natural decline relatively soon,” the report said.

This natural decrease among whites is partly the result of aging baby boomers. The huge contingent of whites born after World War II are entering their retirement years with an accompanying increase in numbers of deaths. The reports said another factor is a decline in fertility among caucasians that began with the Great Recession, but has not changed as the economy has rebounded.

It doesn’t seem as if the trend is likely to change anytime, since the number of white women pregnant age (15 to 44) throughout the country is falling. It declined by 5.1 million between 2000 and 2016, or 12.5 percent, according to the report.

The report, produced by the Applied Population Lab of the University of Wisconsin, can be found at
White People Are Dying Faster Than They Are Being Born in the Majority of U.S. States, Study Says

White people in America are dying off at a faster rate than they are being born
For the first time in U.S. history, more white people died than were born in 2016
Data indicates white people could be a minority sooner than previously thought

More white people died than were born in 26 states in the U.S. in 2016 – a first in American history that indicates white people could be edging toward becoming a minority sooner than previously thought, according to a new analysis of U. S. Census data.

The numbers are significant compared to 2004 when white deaths exceeded births in just four states, or even just two years earlier in 2014 when the shift occurred in 17 states.

White deaths have also surpassed white births nationwide for the first time ever in 2016, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics.


More white people died than were born in 26 states in the U.S. in 2016. This map illustrates (in yellow) the states where white deaths surpassed white births

'We were really surprised,' said Rogelio Saenz, co-author of the analysis and dean of the College of Public Policy at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

'It seems that (white people) going under the 50 percent (of the population) mark might be happening a few years earlier than projected,' he added.

'When births fail to keep pace with deaths, a region is said to have a "natural decrease" in population, which can only be offset by migration gains,' according to the new report by The Applied Population Laboratory that analyzed the national data. 'The growing incidence of this white natural decrease has important implications for the nation's demographic future. America is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse.'

Whites accounted for nearly 78 percent of all deaths in America in 2016 – but only 53 percent of births.

By comparison, there has been a 'substantial' increase in Latino births over deaths – and that coupled with immigration trends have 'contributed enormously' to the changing demographics in the U.S., according to the report, which looks at trends during the period from 1999-2016.

In addition, only three states had more deaths than births overall, across racial lines – indicating the trend is really among the white population. Comparatively, African Americans only saw a decline in one state – West Virginia. Similarly, Asians and Pacific Islanders only saw the decline in Hawaii.

Meanwhile, Latino births exceeded deaths in every state in the nation.

But birth rates are falling among all races, and a bigger issue could be the lack of young people to support aging baby boomers, said Dowell Myers, a professor of urban planning and demography at the University of Southern California.

'We have a shortage of babies being born (overall),' Myers said. 'Without immigrants we're really in the hole. We should be grateful for the contribution of those mothers.'

Other factors contributing to the decrease in the white population include the aging Baby Boomer population and the decline and delay of young people deciding to have children in the wake of the Great Recession.


The decline of the population of white Americans started nearly 20 years ago, with deaths outstripping births for the first time in 2016

The shift started nearly 20 years ago in states with a high proportion of aging white people (think Pennsylvania and West Virginia). It was accelerated after the economic downturn of 2008 when births started dropping off and white mortality started increasing – in part due to the opiate crisis.

The ongoing evolution of the racial makeup of this country could alter the American social and political landscape – though it's not clear how.

'People say demographics is destiny and there'll be more people of color — all that is true,' said Jennifer Richeson, a social psychologist at Yale University, in an interview with the New York Times. 'But they also say the U.S. is going to become more progressive, and we don't know that. We should not assume that white moderates and liberals will maintain current political allegiances, nor should we expect that the so-called nonwhite group is going to work in any kind of coalition.'

The 26 states where white deaths now exceed births were evenly divided in the last election – 13 for Hillary Clinton and 13 for Trump.

Then this.... :smh:

Straight sad racist scumbag didnt even have a reason on why he used the word.

Because there is no reason to use it.

He was more amazed how black dude didnt give him the reaction he wanted to.

Racist scumbag used the free speech arguement to save face.

Trying to tell yall racist cop out will always be the first amendment and if you give them that reaction for using the word next thing you know he done baited you.
White People Are Dying Faster Than They Are Being Born in the Majority of U.S. States, Study Says

White people in America are dying off at a faster rate than they are being born
For the first time in U.S. history, more white people died than were born in 2016
Data indicates white people could be a minority sooner than previously thought

Anytime a white person tries to use the Black on Black crime ******** use the info in this article.

They are literally going extinct because they cant stop overdosing on drugs.
Bronx Doctor Gets Found Out as Closet White Nationalist; Claims He’s Now Seeking Professional Help

A New York City hospital radiologist is “off-duty” pending an investigation into claims he’s an undercover white nationalist.

The shocking allegations against Dr. Dov Bechhofer, 27, first surfaced in a now-deleted post on Medium accusing Bechhofer of befriending white nationalist authors on social media, authoring racist and xenophobic comments on right-wing website Counter-Currents and operating a Facebook page for a eugenics conference attended by neo-Nazis, Newsweek reported.

The anonymous author of the post ID’d Bechhofer, also known as “Dov,” as a resident radiologist at Montefiore Medical Center’s Moses Campus in the Bronx.

Dr. Dov Bechhofer is accused of authoring several racist online posts, including where he advocated for a white ethno-state. (Image courtesy of Medium)

“… As soon as we learned of the article, the employee was placed off duty pending the results of a thorough investigation,” a spokesman for the hospital said in a statement. “The views expressed in the article are in no way reflective of Montefiore, our mission, how we conduct ourselves, or the care we deliver each day.”

In a trove of archived comments linked to in the Medium post, Bechhofer, known online simply as “Dov,” repeatedly expressed support for a white ethno-state and even called for the expulsion of Muslims from Europe.

“The West has no use for [Muslims], and they’ll be just fine when they go home,” he wrote.

“If we take the birth of a non-white in isolation from context, that birth isn’t inherently a tragedy to the white race … [my] point is the principle that the loss of a white child is far worse than the birth of a non-white, at least in theory,” Bechhofer wrote in another.

In another post attributed to “Dov,” the doctor wrote, ” … Do I despise Blacks like [Colin] Kaepernick for milking the White cow despite the fact that he, his race, and all others are already in such objective debt to Whites? Absolutely.”

Twitter screenshot.

The author of the Medium post detailed how he/she was able to link Bechhofer to “Dov’s comments, noting similarities between their birthplaces, occupations, Facebook page and connections to prominent white nationalist figures, among other things,according to Gothamist.

Not only is “Dov” a raging white nationalist, but it turns out he’s Jewish — and the son of a rabbi at that, the author of the Medium post suspects. This didn’t stop him from making a number of anti-Semitic comments, however.

“I’ve had it in my head to write a little something called ‘A Jewish Defense of Anti-Semitism,’ but it’s been slipping my mind,” “Dov” once wrote.

“ … In short, the vocal majority of Jews act so irritatingly and display such reprehensible attitudes — publicly and privately — that I’d rather see a ‘tempered’ anti-Semitism now than see Jewish perfidy continue without consequence until, as Johnny Cash might say, the man comes around. Because he will,” he continued.

In a statement from an email listed as belonging to Bechhofer to Newsweek, the embattled doctor apologized for his “transgressions.”

“I am filled with remorse and take full responsibility for my actions, which will long be an embarrassment to my family, friends, colleagues, and community,” he wrote in part. “Today, I’m at the beginning of a process to make amends for my behavior and am committed to working on my personal flaws. I am actively seeking long-term professional help to deal with these issues, which must be confronted honestly and completely.”
I’m So Much More Than A Neo-Nazi, GOP Candidate Says


Republican congressional candidate Arthur Jones says he has much more to offer his district than just neo-Nazi rhetoric.

“There’s more to me than being a denier of the Holocaust,” he said in a recent interview with the Chicago Tribune. “I’m an American patriot.”

Jones, a former leader of the American Nazi Party, ran unopposed in the Republican primary for Illinois’ heavily-Democratic Third District outside Chicago. He is known in the area for a long history spewing conspiracy theories about the Holocaust, asserting that it was depicted inaccurately in the media and that it was impossible for Nazis to have killed six million Jews.
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