Writing Niketalk's Constitution and founding our own online government.

I understand arguing over a topic you disagree with...

Nomad is arguing purely for the sake of defending his make believe online identity and blaming the niketalk community for feeding and perpetuating his thirst for ducktales.

The problem with your threads is that your personal issues with reality have been exposed and are well known so it's much easier to see how your post content relates to your persona.

This relationship is often much more worthy of discussion than the actual topic, due to the fact that your thread content doesn't make sense unless we take your personal issues into account.
wats going on here? all serious n **** in here...only ninjahood can save this thread. i want lulz damnit :nerd:

sidenote, just an observation. nothing against nomad, no do i care about the issues some may have with dude, but i feel like everytime i come into a thread that happens to be started by nomad, the thread is nothing but

what is he like another Wale? is the hate for dude that deep?

that gif has me in tears, because is sooooooooo trueeeee!!!!! :rofl:

shots ring out within the first post....its hilarious...
I have this silly idea that Method Man has a personality disorder and logs onto The Nomad to speak his mind on certain things.
You're 30 years old and you're crying about how NT has affected your life? If the benefits do not outweigh the risks of you getting butt-hurt about what a group of anonymous people have to say about you or your personal views then why continue to come here. If this place gives you so much stress you need to just log off and not come back.

In regards to the government idea, none of us are forced to be here and it is simple enough to click the little X on the right and be rid of this place. There is no need to change the ROC with a "constitution" and it's completely arrogant to come on this message-board and speak from a purely AMERICAN perspective when we're a GLOBAL community.


Lock the thread up..
Man, I might have had a little too much to drink, my wife hosts get togethers on weekdays with boxed wine but ...I-truly-do-not-care-about-an "e-persona"! ...it's just annoying to have your grills invaded in every post regardless of the mundane origin. Let's get this government going though. Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
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do you realize your entire nt life could be different if you just retired this screen name. Or used an alt...

:lol: actually he probably has one.... Meth :nerd:
do you realize your entire nt life could be different if you just retired this screen name. Or used an alt...

actually he probably has one.... Meth
Why? What if Koch said because there was too much graffiti, "use an alt" subway system? Or abandon New York?
This is probably the one lone occasion I wouldn't mind seeing a long method man essay like post where he quotes a bunch of stuff nomad posted and responds to it. Either way I has been entertained.
I was in a meeting earlier while reading the thread and I almost bust out laughing. This thread def brought the lulz, thanks NT :rofl:
I was in a meeting earlier while reading the thread and I almost bust out laughing. This thread def brought the lulz, thanks NT :rofl:

Sitting in a big *** lecture class and almost lost it.

Thread delivers lmfao

Do think Nomad gets way too much salt thrown his way simply for being Nomad. May not agree with everything he says, like Stop & Frisk, but he is a good and fun poster. Dudes threads always extend my lifespan.
Man, I might have had a little too much to drink, my wife hosts get togethers on weekdays with boxed wine but ...I-truly-do-not-care-about-an "e-persona"! ...it's just annoying to have your grills invaded in every post regardless of the mundane origin. Let's get this government going though. Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

But yet made a thread asking to be roasted. The irony is strong.
But yet made a thread asking to be roasted. The irony is strong.

Qft. Dude came back at me like I was communicating with some suicidal sap.

Well ****, in that case...not like I'm tryna push dude over the edge or something. :lol:

I would have made the same comments. Nomad or not.

Still sorry if I actually hurt his feelings doe.
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Man, I might have had a little too much to drink, my wife hosts get togethers on weekdays with boxed wine but ...I-truly-do-not-care-about-an "e-persona"! ...it's just annoying to have your grills invaded in every post regardless of the mundane origin. Let's get this government going though. Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

But yet made a thread asking to be roasted. The irony is strong.

Seriously, everything he does indicates the opposite.

Nomad seems like the type of person who'd shop at CVS but tell everyone he went to Duane Reade just because.
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