Wrestling Thread Sep 14-20 | 9/20 TNA No Surrender - Angle vs Sting vs Styles vs Morgan

Oct 15, 2000


Last night was the WWE Breaking Point PPV. My grade for the show would be a thumbs in the middle, slightly leaning down. It had it's bright spots, andalso it's very bad spots. The Montreal crowd was on fire all night which definitely helped things. Here's my quick rundown:

*Jericho/Show d MVP/Henry to retain the Unified Tag Team Titles - A little dull for an opener, due mainly to Show and Henry, but the match was fine and thecorrect team won. Please do something with MVP.
*Kofi d The Miz to retain the US Title - The match was missing something. Probably because there was no build for it. Both worked hard, but I think The Mizneeded the win.
*Rhodes/Dibiase d HHH/HBK - The lack of establishing submissions for everyone before this match really hurt things. I expected a lot more crazy brawling thanwe got, especially with them stating at least three times this could go into the streets of Montreal. The double submission was cool, but like I said, thefinish kind of came out of nowhere since we didn't know what their "signature" submission moves were.
*Kane d Khali - Terrible.
*Christian d William Regal to retain the ECW Title - Very good match. Their styles go well together. I think Regal should have won, but this feud definitelyis not over.
*Patterson/Zigler/Morrison segment - Waste of time that was really killed by Zigler's awful promo.
*Cena d Orton to becomes the new WWE Champion - This was a great match (not just because Cena was getting destroyed). They told an amazing story of Cenarefusing to quit despite all of the punishment he took. But it was quickly ruined by Cena's superman act. All of a sudden Cena was completely refreshedand destroyed Randy Orton and made him tap in a matter of seconds with an ugly STF. Terrible finish.
*Punk d The Undertaker to retain the World Title - The match was 8 minutes long because the WWE insists on showing pointless video packages during the PPV. The Undertaker has definitely lost another step. I don't think he has much left in the tank. Taker won with the Hell's Gate when Punk immediatelytapped. Teddy Long then said that move was banned by Vickie Guerrero and that still stood. The match was restarted. Punk locked on the Anaconda Vice and wehad the Montreal Screwjob all over again, expect this time it wasn't real and no one bought it. It was a lame way to end the show.

With the Hell in a Cell PPV only three weeks away, I would expect to see rematches of all the top matches (DX vs Legacy, Punk vs Taker, Orton vs Cena), soexpect for those announcements tonight and tomorrow.

As for tonight, Trish Stratus is this week's guest host. It's always good to see Trish. And as long as she doesn't have a Chavo/Hornswogglesegment, she will go down as the best host in my book.

The only thing announced thus far for tonight's show is Batista returning to make a "career-altering" announcement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please beretirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Pleasebe retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement. Please be retirement.

Also, it will be very interesting to see how tonight's show does in the ratings. The WWE can throw out all of their ignorant Did You Knows talking abouthow they beat Monday Night Football in the ratings. Tonight's the real deal, and I would suspect Raw will get crushed, especially if the first game isclose as it matches the Patriots against TO.
As I said on gWo...I will LOL if Batista's announcement is about his DVD or something.
I fully expect Batista to announce his retirement. The man can not stay injury-free for more than a month.
Im not sure taker is 100% yet, but he is still a better worker than most of the top guys. And stop hating on taker 4w. I still think taker is getting tradedfor horse steriods with teddy long acting chicken @*%% after last night. Maybe a ut/rko/cena hell in a cell ( has there been a triple threat cell match, i knowthe 6 man ). Ill be mostly watching the pats slaughtering the bills though, and remember leno starts tonight so that might take some viewers too.
you all really think it could be his retirement? why would they even bring him on for that?
He'll probably start to say he's "retiring" but somebody will piss him off enough to make him stay active(kayfabe wise lol)
After the finish to the Cena/Orton match, WWE is lucky I am allowing their programming to waste precious space on my DVR. There's no way in hell I'dwatch this over MNF, especially with [Berman] DA RAIIIIIDAAAAAAZ [/Berman] playing tonight.

As far as the rest of the PPV... who actually thinks it's okay to put Show and Henry in the ring together? And I was VERY surprised that HGH didn'tmake the miraculous save... I mean, if Cena recovered from his beating, not even a conchairto on concrete should be able to stop God.

Other than Y2J, I don't know what there is to look forward to on Raw these days. Hopefully Trish is looking good enough to eat.
I'll be watching tonight, until it pisses me off and I'll study for my midterm tomorrow.

I agree with you 4w, the Cena/Orton match started out pretty well, but the ending was rushed and just made Orton look weak
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

I'll be watching tonight, until it pisses me off and I'll study for my midterm tomorrow.

I agree with you 4w, the Cena/Orton match started out pretty well, but the ending was rushed and just made Orton look weak

dvr is your friend...
Cena made me HATE him again after last night. I dont even think PAUL has ever looked that strong.
Damn, I didn't think he could get jail time like that.

Jeff faces a long time in prison

One of the charges Jeff Hardy faces, Opium Trafficking, carries a mandatory sentence of 3-14 years, even for first offenders. But this is only one of thecharges he faces, and, with the case ongoing, the list could increase.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Also, it will be very interesting to see how tonight's show does in the ratings. The WWE can throw out all of their ignorant Did You Knows talking about how they beat Monday Night Football in the ratings. Tonight's the real deal, and I would suspect Raw will get crushed, especially if the first game is close as it matches the Patriots against TO.
Patriots open tonight so I'll be watching RAW when the game goes to commercials. My teams playing > watching WWE.

As far as Breaking Point, the PPV really wasn't as bad as some of you are making it out to be.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]JeriShow vs. MVP and Henry[/color] - Decent match, a little slow for an opener, but JeriShow retains andthat's what really matters.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Kofi vs. Miz[/color] - Match started off slow but picked up towards the end and the last couple ofminutes were real good. This should have opened instead of the Tag Team match. Kofi retains and this was the right decision here...Kofi's had a couple ofgood victories lately and was real over with the crowd yesterday. He's the longest reigning current champion in the 'E at a little over 3 months so whytake the belt off him here?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Legacy vs. DX[/color] - This was a very good and entertaining match. I agree that the lack ofestablished submission holds for DX and Legacy hurt a bit, but they still put on a good match. Even though it was the RIGHT thing to do, I was still surprisedthat Rhodes and DiBiase won...CLEANLY, too. Only thing that would have been better is if HHH was the one tapping out, but we all know that was never gonnahappen. They gave this a good amount of time and Legacy gets the biggest wins in their career.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Kane vs. Khali[/color] - Trash. Bathroom break for this PPV and the fans crapped on it. Kane won and thecrowd popped. Gotta love those Canadian folks.

Christian vs. Regal - Another very good match that got some decent time. A lot of technical andstiff wrestling here. Both of these guys are good workers so no surprise to see them put on a good bout. Regal or Christian could have won, it didn'treally matter...although I'd like Regal to win at some point to solidify his new faction.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]John Cena vs. Randy Orton[/color] - This was the match of the night for me. Like 4w said, both theseguys told a great story...Orton's facial expressions were so on point yesterday. Dude was out there looking like he really wanted to kill Cena. Thatterrified face he had on when Cena handcuffed himself to Orton was priceless. The crowd was real hot here. Sure...the finish was a bit abrupt and Orton shouldhave held out a bit longer before quitting but it didn't bother me that much. Going into this match, most of us expected Cena to win so was it really thatsurprising? Yeah the Superman thing with Cena is corny, I'm not trying to rationalize it. It still didn't take away from the excellent match these guysput on.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Undertaker vs. Punk[/color] - Taker might have lost a step but he's still better than 95% of theworkers in the business and for the short time this match had, both put on a nice showing. It also helped that the crowd was hot here as well. The match wastoo short and the screwjob finish was predictable. Was it the right thing to do? I don't know, but I would have been more bothered if the 1st finish stoodand Taker would have won the strap by burying Punk that quickly. The screwjob finish extends the feud and builds more heat on Punk. I expect Taker to win atHell in the Cell, but he'll have a short reign and drop it back to Punk a month later at Survivor Series.

The worst thing about Breaking Point (even worse than Khali/Kane) was the TERRIBLE segment with Ziggler and Patterson.

I'm 'bout to do News & Notes...expect a LONG ### version to make up for my absence.
I hope Batista's announcement doesn't have anything to do with Long's upcoming announcement. Please don't ruin SD for me
YOU sold me at TRISH STRATUS.... I can care less about the rest of the show now..Seriously
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Im not sure taker is 100% yet, but he is still a better worker than most of the top guys. And stop hating on taker 4w. I still think taker is getting traded for horse steriods with teddy long acting chicken @*%% after last night. Maybe a ut/rko/cena hell in a cell ( has there been a triple threat cell match, i know the 6 man ). Ill be mostly watching the pats slaughtering the bills though, and remember leno starts tonight so that might take some viewers too.
How am I hating on Taker? Because I said he lost a step? You can't deny that. He's still one of the greatest of all time and someonewho does what is right for business.
Most recent speculation is that Batista may be moving back to Smackdown.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind it if it's true. They need somebody else to take that 2nd main event face slot with Jeff gone.
I'd be mad that he'd be ruining the best wrestling show on tv, but he'll be injured again within 6 weeks, so I don't really care.

HBK vs Ted Dibiase Jr has been announced for tonight.
Ugh, what a terrible way to start Raw.

Well at least by the looks of that brace he's not returning anytime soon.
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