Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

This is going back to the argument of dbry could beat Brock clean by making him tap out. The way Brock has been booked the only way he can be defeated at this point is to get jumped and dam near murdered. Son is on shao Kahn level of difficulty.

It's not going back to that argument :lol:. I'm saying let a group of people (Bullet Club) or the whole locker room take him out. He doesn't need to lose clean to one person, it would've been weak to book him that way after everything he's done.
Another thing that bugs me is Finn's demon gimmick. Not of fan of that either.

It's like the whole NFL vs NBA players in terms of marketability. Much easier to market NBA guys cause you know who they look, and the non basketball fan can recognize them cause they see them all over TV...NFL guys not so much because they play in helmets and more players on a team, so its harder to recognize a guy. Now when it comes to Finn, you have a guy who is new to WWE, NXT fans know him but casual WWE may not but half the time he wrestles in face paint? Not sure if I would do that.
carlito should come back with his bodyguard, jesus and get him to stab brock for him. now that's one way to stop brock
I don't understand the booking logic at all for Summerslam.

Why would you have your world title matched in the middle of the show. US title in semi main event that doesn't even happen. And then an over hyped main event that did not deliver at all.

I guess it's a good thing the Network is only $10/month.
I'm starting to agree with @DCAllAmerican about how nobody should beat him.

Just have him ride into the sunset as the best monster ever.
On a related note to your post...you just reminded me of something, and I had to go back and check...

Exactly 3 years + 1 day ago...I posted this in the wrestling thread the night after that year's Summerslam:
Alright, now I wanna bring up the question I mentioned yesterday...

Is Brock Lesnar the GOAT "monster" wrestler?

If he isnt...who is?

I've thought about it for the last few days (pre Summerslam). The Summerslam match vs. Punk only helped solidify the conclusion I came to which is YES, Brock Lesnar is the greatest monster in American professional wrestling history.

The "monster wrestler" category is limited to a select number of guys and IMO Brock ranks #1 on that list.

I'm not just talking about in-ring ability. It's also the character, their presence, their story, etc. The requirement that as a heel you put the FEAR of God into people.

I want to get a feel of what you guys think before I defend my stance (might not even have to)...but my short form explanation has to do with these quotes that were posted during his match
Lesnar is gonna legit hurt someone; he doesn't give a damn
Every match Brock has, I'm always in fear that he will snap someone's neck or back in half.
It's this attribute that separates him from the rest of the field. The "I'm liable to snap at any second" vibe is unmatched by anyone else.
Mind you, this is before he even beat the Streak.

A few of you guys answered my question. Here's the link to my post if you feel like reading those responses.

Best way to explain why the bizarre *** ending of last night's show left me intrigued? Check what I wrote up there to explain my stance. And that was 3 years ago, but I think those qualities are definitely magnified today more than ever. Love him, hate him, or just don't care about him at all...Brock Lesnar brings something to the table that no other wrestler can match up to.
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WWE belt designer says the plan was always to have it all red

And that the gallery on the website is a photoshop

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brocks gotta be one of the more safer guys to work with. he has the strength to do a lot of these moves and pretty much in control at all times. none of the stuff he does is high-risk. he's picking you up and slamming you, knees, suplexes, and forearms.

finn injured, but what about demon king :nerd:
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Sext needs to stop that bucklebomb + running powerbomb to the barricade + pedigree

Dude is way too frail to do these moves safely + it looks like his knees will give out every time he does the bucklebomb

Bring back the Curb Stomp
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