Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

Did Punk get washed that bad? I woke up this morning to see he tapped out in Round 1 :lol:

If it were only real :lol:
Disappointed to see that CM Punk lost but he has my respect for giving it a try. Expected he would do more than he did though after 2 years of training. Most could scrap fight more effectively I would imagine.
Good. Now he can return and when the music hits, all you cats will be back on the wagon. Believe that.

I love CM Punk got washed last night, dude is such an *** clown

can't wait til he crawls back to the WWE to mid card
Weird when you think of the emotional reaction folks have for someone that doesn't even know their name.

Happy a dude gets whooped?

I guess I can't understand it.
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Y'all hero got washed Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahh
Cleveland was lit.

Punk can never wrestle again after getting washed like that Hahahahahahaha
I hope he never fights again.

He cant come back to WWE either, he would be the part timer that he hated.  

Dude can either go back to ROH, or find a commentary gig.
I hope he never fights again.

He cant come back to WWE either, he would be the part timer that he hated.  

Dude can either go back to ROH, or find a commentary gig.

IF he chooses to return to wrestling (which I doubt) NJPW is where it's at for over Americans. RoH isn't where the money is. TNA is irrelevant.

He looked older than 37 last night. Very aged since he was last in WWE. Weight loss too.
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