Wrestling Thread Oct 20 - Nov 2 | 10/27 Raw - Rollins Defeats Ambrose in HiaC w/ Help of Bray Wyatt

They need to have ShameUs wash Miz, have Mizdow immediately challenge Fella, win the title and have Miz try to say it's his belt..

Perfect way to get the belt off of Big Orange and have Sandow get over with the fans..And it lets Miz job to everyone (which is what that toothy bastard deserves)
They need to have ShameUs wash Miz, have Mizdow immediately challenge Fella, win the title and have Miz try to say it's his belt..

Perfect way to get the belt off of Big Orange and have Sandow get over with the fans..And it lets Miz job to everyone (which is what that toothy bastard deserves)
would that be sandow's first title of any kind? Other than the briefcase?
Sorry if already posted.

--WWE's Elimination Chamber show has been replaced in February by a show called Fast Lane. The Chamber event is expected to be rescheduled for later in the year.

Makes sense given there is only 1 title now.  Plus Brock probably won't be on EC.
Great match, but it would have made all the sense in the world to have Brock vs Orton at Rumble, with Brock going over strong to lead into WrestleMania.  Now we'll probably get a screwjob finish at Rumble because I can't see Brock beating Cena clean.
would of been so fitting with orton being "the legend killer" but putting Brock over
Went downstairs and no flaming hot cheetos or even doritos smh. I dont feel like driving anywhere either, hows this match been so far tho? LOL at the Mizdow chant
Sorry if already posted.

--WWE's Elimination Chamber show has been replaced in February by a show called Fast Lane. The Chamber event is expected to be rescheduled for later in the year.

Makes sense given there is only 1 title now.  Plus Brock probably won't be on EC.

I see you GHIMS
Sheamus should turn heel and join the authority. Sick of this guy stale *** gimmick. Btw what is his gimmick :lol:

He's Irish and likes to fight. His real gimmick though is being a jerk and bully with no friends

I completely forgot about Show and Rusev :rofl:
WWE better be careful with this Mizdow stuff. They might have another person the people love that they have to go n out of their way to hold down
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