Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

Hell of a match going on with Angle and Roode.  Awesome counter where Angle had the Ankle Lock in, and Roode rolled through directly into the Yes Lock.
Angle had the Ankle Lock in.  Roode passed out.  The ref lifted Roode's arm, and as he did, he was able to grab the rope to break the hold.

Angle hit a top rope Angle Slam.  Both men were down.  The ref was doing a double 10 count.  Roode got to his feet at 9, Angle didn't get it.  For some reason, this didn't give Roode the win.  Roode made the cover and got the win.  Angle never moved, and they are doing a stretcher job.  98% sure it's a work, but it was a weird finish to the match.
I did like the angle and roode match but man TNA hasn't given the fans anything to go crazy about. All the heels have won so far and that's killed the crowd.
Bully talking to someone backstage.  Saying they fooled them all.  Thinking he walked out.  Hogan I would assume.
EC3 facing his hand picked opponent by Aunt Dixie.... Norv Fernum (some ultra skinny indy geek billed from San Diego)
EC3 using the same dumb front DDT as Dean Ambrose.

10pm and still two matches left.  I would assume Sting doesn't go for more than about 12 minutes.
Magnus beat Sting making him tap out.  Another anti-climatic finish because the crowd wasn't expecting the finish yet.  Sting tried to congratulate Magnus after the match, but Magnus blew him off.  Think it's a major mistake turning Magnus heel, especially with the UK tour coming in January.
The booking of this main event angle has been such a mess.  Wish Dixie was never involved.  And once AJ turned face like 2 months ago, I wish he never went back to this dark gimmick.
Bully cut up the ring apron and padding to expose the wooden boards.  Dixie came out.  She gave Bully a steel chair.  AJ hit a springboard plancha to knock the chair into Bully's head.  AJ made the cover but Dixie wouldn't let Earl Hebner count the pin.

They went back and forth.  Eventually AJ hit the Pele Kick and then the Spiral Tap to get the clean win.  Dixie screamed in anger.  AJ celebrated in the crowd.  No Hogan or any other surprise return.
Thought old/new members of aces and 8's were going to run in after that tease with Bully earlier backstage

Instead we get Dixie and a copy of Punks money in the bank victory post match celebration
Soo Bound For Glory was.. a thing that happened.

This was a thing that happened too. I guess.
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Semi wrestling related, Andrew Luck should head to the WWE Performance Center and work on his promos.
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