Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

i'm just gonna say it guys....

i know punk was proud of bragging about being a straight edge through some of his career...

but i listened to the podcast & i think dude didn't wanna take that piss test he brings up many times in a short period
because he was hooked on pain killers or something due to the wear & tear that he mentions...

and that he'd rather quit than possibly fail a drug test - whether the fans would ever know or not - he said something
about always being the man when it comes to honesty with macmahon - therefore couldn't even allow vince to know if he would have failed a drug test

call me crazy...but i think what i mentioned may have been a major factor that will never come up
i'm just gonna say it guys....

i know punk was proud of bragging about being a straight edge through some of his career...

but i listened to the podcast & i think dude didn't wanna take that piss test he brings up many times in a short period
because he was hooked on pain killers or something due to the wear & tear that he mentions...

and that he'd rather quit than possibly fail a drug test - whether the fans would ever know or not - he said something
about always being the man when it comes to honesty with macmahon - therefore couldn't even allow vince to know if he would have failed a drug test

call me crazy...but i think what i mentioned may have been a major factor that will never come up
Wouldn't be surprised.

Glad those Punk shirts look like ****. Saves me money.

What bothered me most from that interview was how little respect is paid to the employees, how incompetent the doctors are, and how little the WWE cares about health and well being.

PS Titty Bella needs to suck my ****.
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i'm just gonna say it guys....

i know punk was proud of bragging about being a straight edge through some of his career...

but i listened to the podcast & i think dude didn't wanna take that piss test he brings up many times in a short period
because he was hooked on pain killers or something due to the wear & tear that he mentions...

and that he'd rather quit than possibly fail a drug test - whether the fans would ever know or not - he said something
about always being the man when it comes to honesty with macmahon - therefore couldn't even allow vince to know if he would have failed a drug test

call me crazy...but i think what i mentioned may have been a major factor that will never come up

You know what I could see that being a possibility..I don't think Punk is nearly as honest or straight forward as he portrays himself..And I'm not judging because everybody lies and embellishes things to make themselves sound better or others sound less than..

I'm glad Punk is gone because like I said for almost a year before he left, the man looked like he was strung out/burnt out..He needed to go and recharge the batteries and get that spark back that he obviously had lost..His matches were getting very predictable and honestly they were betting boring..I think a lot of what he said was true to a certain extent, but I don't for 1 minute think he was innocent in the whole thing..
Didn't Punk say in the podcast that he hated the term "pipe bomb"?..So he makes a shirt for PWTees called The Pipe Bomb..
What bothered me most from that interview was how little respect is paid to the employees, how incompetent the doctors are, and how little the WWE cares about health and well being.

That's how I feel.

My main gripe with Punk is the way he treats his fans, so my opinion on him hasn't changed at all since that interview.
What bothered me most from that interview was how little respect is paid to the employees, how incompetent the doctors are, and how little the WWE cares about health and well being.

this doesn't surprise me at all & i think its true

but in punk's case i believe there is more involved than that generally...

wwe already had plans to fire punk before the the whole lump issue & were trying to shoo him out the door
with the least amount of action taken including not fully treating him or letting him go on a legitimate medical leave than could have gone on and on
(with plan b being everything goes back to before and is awesome)

so i think part of the doctor neglect punk suffered was a metaphor for wwe neglecting him
Raw will have to wait for me tonight..Promised my kid we'd watch the Nickelodeon Halo Awards..
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