Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

The common denominator of all these **** angles/segments is Kane.

- Katie Vick

- Zack Ryder & Eve

- DBry & Brie Mode.
Yo I haven't laughed that much in forever. I'm sweating man.

98% of WWE backstage segments involving a car = embarrassing fail. They need to cut the **** and realize they can't do them right.

We get one of those once or twice a year too.
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Im the bad news of the NTWT because of how horrible I did in the contest and my name. I'm ashamed of myself
When Big E runs off both ropes, jumps, plants and splashes it makes ZERO sense. All momentum is lost when he plants and jumps. It just really annoys me.
I sort of like how they're trying to make main event somewhat relevant. Main events actually had some solid matches ever since the network
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