Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Booker really needs to stop callin Naomi on the best women wrestlers ever, its just dumb. Shes cool but no all time great smh
she aint even the best in the company

Only cause she has tons of comp in most of the NXT divas, along with Nattie and Paige. If Naomi keeps having to wrestle the Bellas, Cameron, and Rosa, then she's gonna keep looking like them
Women love men with massive, throbbing............

Vocabularies :lol:

These commentators are on some other ish tonight lmao
I don't believe Zayn has had surgery yet... Maybe the injury wasn't as bad as expected?... Itami had his surgery right away, why not Zayn?... I'd be fine with a Helluva kick costing KO the match after dominating Cena... It establishes the KO/Zayn rivalry on the main stage, and they could piggyback off that moment for years...
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