Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Man these NXT Divas stay ******** on the main roster Divas in terms of having quality matches.
If I was one of the main roster folks, I would be PISSED that these girls are able to practice, practice, and practice and be given time to put on a good match.
Man these NXT Divas stay on the main roster Divas in terms of having quality matches.

If I was one of the main roster folks, I would be PISSED that these girls are able to practice, practice, and practice and be given time to put on a good match.

NXT is definitely improving the hell outta the diva division..


Can go..
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Yea I forgot to mention. JoJo looking damn good as usual man. 

Funny JoJo stands with one leg forward to make that backside look plumper when doing her announcing. 
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