Wrestling Thread Mar 23-29 | 3/23 RAW - Edge vs Big Show; HHH vs Orton/Dibiase

3 entertaining minutes doesn't make up for the rest of the crap. Jericho and HBK's promo's were cool though. Hardy had a nice match. They probablyshould stop burying Ziggler though.
I just saw the Jericho and Flair segment and thought it was hilarious.

-Flair told Jericho to throw him into the stairs

-Then Jericho hit Flair with the camera. Flair crying in pain was funny. I need a GIF of that.

-Finally Jericho stomping on his watch.
Did Stephanie get some emergency Lipo done or what? She wasn't a cow like she had been before and they actually showed a full body shot of her. SHe musthave been hitting the weights in the last month or two
if this crap wasnt PG RKO would've cupped steph's right breast while kissing her reports are saying
I haven't seen Raw yet but I just came in here to say that all of these statements about "WM 25 is going to be the worst Mania" ever arecompletely absurd and the furthest from the truth.

Be back after Raw
"WM 25 is going to be the worst Mania" ever are completely absurd and the furthest from the truth.
Just curious what you think the worst Mania is. II? IX? XI? XV? 2000?
i hate this neutral jerry lawler! they need to bring the heel anouncer back!!!

and that right hand finisher by big show is the STUPIDEST finisher ever!

i have a feeling show and edge will both realize vickie isnt worth fighting for and turn on her at WM
Originally Posted by 22stylez

and that right hand finisher by big show is the STUPIDEST finisher ever!
umm.. no.... people's elbow, hogans leg drop, warriors splash, and umanga's spike, are way more stupid than a 500 pound punch to the face
Just finished watching this on the west coast. This raw sucked. A couple of notes. Chris Jericho came back to wrestling for nothing. He's constantly beingthrown into crappy angles. Only good angle was the one with HBK and even that got old for me. Mickie James Vs. Santino had to be the best part about raw forme. It's sad but this was funny as hell. I don't see why Mickie is in the doghouse for not losing more weight. She looks great like that.
Originally Posted by cosuna

Mickie James Vs. Santino had to be the best part about raw for me. It's sad but this was funny as hell. I don't see why Mickie is in the doghouse for not losing more weight. She looks great like that.
She had a little bit of a gut for a minute but apparently worked it off...she could get it regardless.

Speaking about getting it...it looks like Legends aren't the only thing Jericho is beating up...

» As noted earlier, photos were leaked online regarding Chris Jericho and RAW diva Kelly Kelly partying together about a week ago. It was then assumed that the two were going out even though the last we heard was that Jericho had a wife and three children. Since then, a new photo has been leaked online of Jericho and Kelly clearly sharing a kiss.


Kelly Kelly skeezin' it up again...
Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by 22stylez

and that right hand finisher by big show is the STUPIDEST finisher ever!
umm.. no.... people's elbow, hogans leg drop, warriors splash, and umanga's spike, are way more stupid than a 500 pound punch to the face
ok you just lost all credibility after that. You can't tell me a damn punch is better then the people's elbow...that move alone had sooooomuch swagg
^^Don't forget the most devastating move ever performed, THE WORM!
When Scotty 2 Hotty hit u with his worm, it was a wrap

Oh, and
at Chris Jericho. What the hell is he doing, he has a damn wifeand kids. SMH
@ ending of RAW...%$## was great but you if this was the non-PG WWE product therewould have been some groping going along with that kiss
i dunno even if we were back in attitude era with that segment i doubt triple H would let another man grope them jugs
For anyone that dvr`ed it watch the Jerico Flair battle again real close. I swear chris was wearing some kind of gloves.
Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by 22stylez

and that right hand finisher by big show is the STUPIDEST finisher ever!
umm.. no.... people's elbow, hogans leg drop, warriors splash, and umanga's spike, are way more stupid than a 500 pound punch to the face
ok you just lost all credibility after that. You can't tell me a damn punch is better then the people's elbow...that move alone had sooooo much swagg

you do know he started doing it at house shows as a joke right? if cena was doing the people's elbow (if the rock never did it) you would be crapping allover it.
If I could be serious for a moment...

- Haven't been following wrestling much lately (I'll get to that in a second), but from what I'm noticing, there have been�lots of complaints aboutthe Wrestlemania 25th Anniversary card that, at least on paper, looks pretty weak.� So in my boredom, I played GM for a day and created a Wrestlemania 25card...

The Colons v Miz�& Morrison vPriceless v Cryme Tyme for the unified tag titles…Just makes more sense to give all of these guys something to do since Priceless is SUPPOSED to be relevantand CT is one of the most over tag teams (that gets buried weekly).

Monsters Ball (Big Show v Umaga v Kozlovv Henry v Kane v Mike Knox)…Straight from Vince's fantasy file.

JBL v Mysterio…I don't know whathistoric thing he's gonna do, but I must say I'm intrigued.

25 diva battle royal…Makes sense tome.

MITB (MVP v CM Punk v Shelton Benjamin vKendrick v Finlay v Kofi v Bourne v Rey Mysterio)…Jack Swagger could be inserted here to replace Kendrick or Bourne if need be.� I left R-Truth out because heis the devil.� Plus, Vince has a strict policy against too many negroes in one match.

Undertaker v Shawn Michaels…I find itamazing that in the almost 20 years these two have been in the E they've only fought something like 3 times.

Orton v Triple H…Everyone can hate thismatch now, but if Randy goes over like he should, there is no way this isn't everyone's favorite match on the card.

Edge v Matt v Jeff v Christian in a TLCmatch (or not..I just want to see them all in the same ring)…If they created an atmosphere where we truly believed�it was every man for himself...this couldeasily be match of the night.

Cena v Jericho…I honestly believe theyshould have never taken the title off of Jericho to give it to Cena on his first night back.� I think they could havebuilt this feud up this entire time.� I feel (like I'm sure most of you do) that Jericho deserved an extended titlerun.�They could have had it so that Jericho kept getting narrow victories or DQs where he kept the title, and then have Jericho brag about how hecompletely destroyed Cena.� They could have incorporated Jericho's disdain for Cena for getting him fired�years ago�and Jericho disrespecting legends.�This could have lead to a Ric Flair passing the torch/backing up sort of deal with Cena.� Hell they could have even had it soMickey Rourke was in Cena's corner.� And not to mention…this is the biggest heel and biggest face fighting for the strap which is the wayWrestlemania should be.

-�In the late 80's, my family and I were stationed in Berlin, Germany as my dad was doing his bid...I mean serving his country in the Air Force.� Weonly had one channel and that was the Armed Forces Network.� During that time I remember my brother being 13 and me being 6 watching�the only show we liked�,Saturday�Night's Main Event and discovering the wrestler who made me a fan of the�sport.� No it wasn't Hulk Hogan or the Macho�Man...My first favoritewrestler was none other than "The Birdman" KoKo B Ware.� Til this day the Brainbuster remains one of my all-time favorite wrestling moves.� Congratsto the Birdman on the hall of fame.� You're the reason I was and still am a fan.

- So basically the reason I've been missing is...well...I got the axe.� The company I was with at the time made cuts and apparently I was not giving myboss' the Vince McMahon treatment so they let me go.� Here's a pretty accurate reenactment of how the scene played out...my boss (HHH) just told me(Shawn Michaels) that I was "Non-Essential Personnel"...

It's all good though.� I found a job that pays double what I was making and I'm living with my brother until I find another place.� So Niketalk's#1 wrestling thread segment is now officially back and will be here every week sometime between Tuesday and Thursday...like anyone cares.

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

Orton Maryse got the best DDT in the game.
[Ying Yang Twins]Ahh Yup[/Ying Yang Twins]

Did I just hear that the tag title unification match is going to be a "Lumberjack Match???" Don't know how ya'll feel but I have ALWAYSthought the "Lumberjack Match" is by far the DUMBEST match concept ever. I understand the want to at least have those who aren't on the card toget involved with the show, but rest assured I'd feel like an idiot standing outside the ring doing nothing, until somebody gets thrown out.

On to Raw:
- I liked the ending segment with Orton/Triple H. Orton literally looked psychotic it was pretty cool.

- At this point, I really hope Chris Jericho pulls a Shawn Michales move and OVERSELLS like no other during his match just to stick it to those who felt thatthis match was the best thing they could give him.

- I really am not looking forward to the SmackDown! main event, just awful.

Oh yeah; good to have you back "KingofIlladelph," glad everything worked out for you. Your weekly rants were missed.
Good to hear everything worked out for you Illadelph. They really dropped the ball with Wrestlemania. I would rather see an Edge & Christian vs Hardysmatch than Jeff vs Matt. I'm against this feud, but hopefully Matt goes over and Christian somehow gets involved. Maybe have Christian side with Jeff andfeud with Edge and Matt and eventually Edge & Christian turn on the Hardy's and we get some classic matches.
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