Wrestling Thread Mar 2-22 | 3/21 Perro Aguayo Jr Passes Away In Tragic In-Ring Accident (AAA)

Are you excited for WrestleMania?

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Ladies and gentlemen. Your tag team champions are in an 6-being inter species tag team match. :smh:

Wwe THAT tight on cash that they can't even get a cheap aluminum brass plated trophy? That's **** looks like clay figure painted by an ape.
You don't seem to like a few women in the wrasslin biz from what I've noticed.
I'm sure she isn't best for business in certain aspects, her degree not warranting her position beside nepotism, but her character is light years better than most. She's a rich power greedy jerk, and plays it well.
She belittles folks when it isn't needed.

FOlks from the LAW pointed out how she b*tches Lana some months back for no reason. I see exactly what Bischoff is saying
My roommate asked me why they (Ambrose and Harper) were wearing the same outfit and were on different teams

I thought about it for a sec and couldnt come up with an answer.

Then I got frustrated and told him, 'aint no pizza here, get out."

I feel bad. Thanks wwe
Not sure she's playing.

It's like 50 in Get Rich or Die Trying movie.. He acted very well in it, but not that difficult to be yourself.
I know man. :lol: most bosses are A-holes. This is well known.
What a joke saying this is the most important match of Cena's WrestleMania career.  I guess WM 28 and 29 never happened.
You know Cena's legacy and status has to be strengthened and rejuvenated yearly. :smh:
I was just about to say it's amazing seeing Seth Rollins actually stand up to HHH, but that **** Stephanie just couldn't let that happen.  She is TERRIBLE for business.  I hate her.
You don't seem to like a few women in the wrasslin biz from what I've noticed.
I'm sure she isn't best for business in certain aspects, her degree not warranting her position beside nepotism, but her character is light years better than most. She's a rich power greedy jerk, and plays it well.
She belittles all of the talent on the roster, heels and faces, but for what reason?  There will never be a match.  There will never be a payoff.  She never really gets hers.  It's just to stroke her massive ego that she's inherited from her father.  She makes the roster look like clowns and losers.
Yea Bronco Buster and Stink face should be added into that list.

I am also starting to feel the same way about Dives to the outside of the ring simply because the defensive wrestler has to WAIT on the flyer to dive on him
FOlks from the LAW pointed out how she b*tches Lana some months back for no reason. I see exactly what Bischoff is saying
More info please
It was when Steph was "recruiting" Rusev for their Survivor Series team, and she completely talked down to Lana and Rusev.  Again, making them look so far below her, when they're arguably the top heels in the company.

I don't know what the Bischoff part is about.
She belittles all of the talent on the roster, heels and faces, but for what reason?  There will never be a match.  There will never be a payoff.  She never really gets hers.  It's just to stroke her massive ego that she's inherited from her father.  She makes the roster look like clowns and losers.
Can't disagree with what you or DC stated. The sad part is none of that surprises me and I'm sure this is due to a lot of coddling from her parents during developmental years in her upbringing...
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