Wrestling Thread Mar 10-23 | 3/17 RAW - Three Weeks Till WrestleMania XXX

I'm thinking it would be awesome for Russev to win the Andre battle Rumble...

Hate to say it but no. He would get a Big E, Ziggler, Sandow, Ryback push. The guy's gimmick is one dimensional and we have no clue what kind of mic skills he has. He's also pretty short which makes getting over the big intimidating monster difficult. It's like when Tazz debuted in the WWE. He was Ill but extremely short.
Cena is going to put Bray over. It makes no sense for Bray to lose. Cena won't have a problem putting him over cause Cena knows he's the top guy.
I think its gonna end up being one of those deals where Cena goes over at Wrestlemania but puts Wyatt over at Extreme Rules

You could say the same thing for Orton in 09, there was no way that he shouldn't have won the Royal Rumble and go on to win the title at Mania but the way they booked his feud with HHH was so ****** up that there was no way that Orton could go over.

The Cena/Wyatt feud isn't as bad as that feud was and Wyatt has already been over huge so far with the last two months of beat downs, constant promos of Wyatt saying he wants to destroy Cena's legacy, and Cena actually acting scared and running away from the Wyatts (instead of doing his usual Super Cena schtick and fighting all 3 of them off). I can totally see Cena going over at WM from how one-sided everythings been so far,but who knows maybe Cena will do his Super Cena thing tonight :lol: Two more weeks of seeing how this feud plays out.
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Reigns & Usos

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-On changing his character and the road to WrestleMania: “Rehabbing my injuring, I was kind of spinning my wheels and I kind of realized I let my character become a little bit hokey. So coming back, I’m a lot more motivated, a lot more direct. I want to have fun every now and again . . . but you can’t just rest on your laurels. There a lot of young guys in the developmental system coming up and the way you handle that is by going out there and having the best match you can each and every night. WrestleMania is around the corner and we’re all looking to tear it up. Everybody is on their A-game.”

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! his character is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STALE!!!! :x :smh: :rolleyes
I'd love for next year's Mania to be Taker's last..Dude needs to have an epic win over Cena and after the match leave his boots in the ring..Following nights Raw needs to be entirely dedicated to UT..And they need to bring back old opponents to celebrate his career..End the whole night with a custom Undertaker custom World Title Belt..Total perfection!..Book it Vince, you no good womanizing piece of ****..
Total Divas was such a work of a work. It's so scripted it's bad. And ain't Cameron Alicia Foxx's sister?

And Sheamus was cool on NXT last week. It's just their booking that makes him and others stale. It's not like Attitude Era were characters were developed. Sheamus problem is the same as Ziggler's, Orton's, Del Rio, blah, blah. They hire writers yet they don't develop characters. Obviously they have scripted promos so they can't really shine through or have the opportunity to sink or swim like the 80s. That's why Cena and Punk are the most over.
While this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, the plan is for The Ultimate Warrior to close out the WWE Hall Of Fame ceremony this year.

Speaking of the WWE Hall Of Fame, Bret “The Hitman” Hart noted in a recent Q&A session that he believes Owen Hart will be inducted next year in California.

Also rumored for the Hall Of Fame next year is The Rock.

Nice! It'll be in my hometown too. Can't wait. Gonna drop tons of $$$ for wm week. Anyone else interested and care to join. Hit me up!
Watching legends of wrestling, my dude ric flair don't give a dam lol. Son said hhh didn't blow up sooner cause he was under the spell of 2 of the most overrated no talent having wrestlers of all time: Hall and Nash. Also said Shawn Michael's is the greatest performer of all time
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Natalya is like the dorky aunt that tries to hang out with the younger members of the family to maintain some sort of hipness.

AJ's new shirt is exactly like one of Punk's old shirts.
in for the D Bry beat down tonight

I think Triple H might actually kill him and leave it to the doctors to resurrect him
this crowd is 10000x's better than last week

It's Brooklyn, what'd you expect? I wanted to go tonight, but no one wanted to go with me.

I haven't been in the Barclays Center yet and I grew up around there.
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