Wrestling Thread Mar 10-23 | 3/17 RAW - Three Weeks Till WrestleMania XXX

if the crowds start chanting plastic girlfriend during bella matches, bray needs to go into the HOF next year
Wait wait wait...

They are making Jingle All the Way 2 starring Larry the Cable Guy and Santino Marella :lol:
Bray the best on the mic right now.. and I'll admit I was done with them a month into their debut.
I'll admit as well, I lost hope in the Wyatt's a month in. They literally had no direction.

But I'm glad they stuck with it and got themselves over. Bray is easily the best on the mic I have seen in a long time
I forgive both of you.

af1, you gotta chill with the "best on the mic I have seen in a long time" thing though. I feel like you say that every 6 months about someone different, chico.
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