Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

Sheamus can work but damn if I hate seeing him on my TV screen. Dude is literally just there to be there, what the hell does contribute to the E
I think Bray is a darkhorse for the title. With the Wyatt Family winning all the belts that could help elevate the cult gimmick.
I think Bray is a darkhorse for the title. With the Wyatt Family winning all the belts that could help elevate the cult gimmick.

Actually, he Ascension are the ones planned to take the belts of Usos, but things can change.
WWE needs to stop pushing a stretcher match as if it's anything big. I can't remember ever being excited for a stretcher match. Even as a youth. Whose damn idea was it to book a stretcher match tonight. Let alone a stretcher match between Kane and Cena.

All jokes aside, since the CM Punk dude came and trolled us, haven't you seen a higher % of quality matches from Sheamus?
Sheamus swag on 100 since Yoshi got cut.

Sheamus ain't gotta be looking over his shoulder anymore.
Usually when someone says "true story" they're telling you something unbelievable....not like the mundane non-event that Lawler just told us about.
Damn, I saw the Usos running down like they were about to attack the Wyatts.

These dudes just did a Parkour hop off the ring apron smh
I'm pretty sure the reason he's not dressed in combat gear is to sell the fact he wasn't supposed to be there because of being banned from the battle royal.

Used to happen all the time in the attitude era. Rocky used to wrestle in that black warmup
Why did I just find out recently that was a cover up because he had some peck surgery.

You mean when he got the fat removed from his chest?
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