Wrestling Thread July 15 - Aug 4 | 8/2 TNA - Where MMA Fighters Not Named Brock Go - TITO, Rampage,

The Shield have no momentum. Its not like it just happened. Been bubbling for a minute now.
Just goes to show you no matter how good you are, how talented you are, or how over you are with the crowd, if Vince sours on you, you're not going anywhere in WWE.

Just think about it.  These guys were supposed to be facing The Undertaker at Summerslam.  Now they're facing The Usos.  It's  shame.  Again, WWE wonders why new guys don't get over to main event status.
The Bella who had the nip slip had them nice gumdrop nipples. Very suckable.
Excellent description 
Not sure if anyone listened to the LAW Show from this past Sunday but they talked about the Shield being in the doghouse.

1. Roman Reigns isn't in the doghouse as much because folks see how hard he works and how he STAYS in the gym. No matter which city they are in, he finds somewhere to get his work in. The other two have been getting the point and have been with him as of late.

2. It started all when Seth Rollins messed up a spot with the Big Show (forgot when) and Big Show approached him about it. Forgot what they said happened after that.

Not sure where Ambrose fits into all of this. But folks backstage think they walk around "Believing in the Shield" forreal

Like I said, yall dudes fake on the wrestling podcasts.
WWE wants their guys to be stars.....

but gets mad when they act like stars.

It sucks that WWE is the only major US promotion because they are an awful company to work for.  Regardless of if you're a wrestler, creative member, or office worker.
That's the only reason he's being pushed imo.

Well technically. Goes even further imo. Not only is he dating Brie, but Nikki is dating Cena which means they're probably together a lot and travel a lot. If you're in with the top dog then you get pushed as a top dog.

The moment Cena gets tired of the Bella, Bryan's push goes bye bye. Book it.
After a ton of procrastinating I finally bought my plane ticket and hotel for Summerslam

It ended up working in my favor because I got an amazing deal on Priceline :pimp:

Who all will be out there?

Possible NT summit? :nerd:
[h1]Mark Henry's Needless Face Turn Will Ruin His Character[/h1]

[h3]By [/h3]
The Doctor Chris Mueller
(Featured Columnist) on July 24, 2013
387 reads


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Mark Henry is in the midst of a face turn, and it is going to dilute the World's Strongest Man and ruin his character until he turns heel again.

Mark Henry has been with WWE since 1996, and in that time he has switched from heel to babyface more than his fair share, and he is always better as a heel.

There's a good reasons for this. Guys Henry's size are just naturally better as a heel.

The Sexual Chocolate gimmick got him over with fans for a little while, but he was sent back to OVW to train after the angle where he and Mae Young had a child that was just a big hand.

The funny thing is that a large portion of the WWE audience wasn't even old enough to remember the sexual chocolate gimmick, but they still chant for it every so often.

After returning to the main roster in 2002, he went several years without being a true contender for the WWE or world titles. He was just sort of there for awhile.

Believe it or not, it took Mark Henry 10 years to actually win his first title in WWE. Jeff Jarrett once gave him the European title, which he then lost a month later, but it wasn't until 2008 where he would legitimately win his first title.

As ECW champion, it was clear that Henry was just plain better as a heel. His promo work was better, the crowd reacted to him better and his in-ring style of dominating opponents fit a heel better.

The last two years have seen Henry really come into his own. It was as if someone lit a fire inside him that brought out the true main eventer in him.

His Hall of Pain gimmick propelled him into the World title scene, and he ended up winning the World title for the first time in his decade-plus career.

His encounters with Big Show and Daniel Bryan proved that Henry had the versatility to perform at a high level against different types of superstars.

Henry had finally found the right groove and fans were seeing him reach his real potential for the first time in his career, and it all happened as a heel.

Henry as a babyface just doesn't sell. It's the same thing with Big Show. They might be popular with some fans while they are faces, but they always work better as heels.

Henry recently returned from injury and shocked everyone by claiming he was retiring, only to turn on John Cena and declare his intentions to win the WWE title. It was an angle that had people talking for weeks, and it was all because of Henry's Oscar-worthy performance.

He was unsuccessful in his match with Cena, and the next night he began a babyface turn when The Shield attacked him. Now Henry is back where he started.

The entertainment value just isn't there when he is a babyface. His whole persona screams "Heel" and his dominance in the ring makes him easy to hate when he is destroying one of our heroes like Daniel Bryan.

Henry might be the World's Strongest Man, but in a way it has worked against him. Guys his size have a hard time getting over as babyfaces. It is just easier to be a heel when you are able to physically dominate your opponents like Henry can.

This new babyface run is not what Henry needs at this point in his career. His time in the ring is winding down, and if he has any hope of winning another top title before he retires, he should start pushing to go back to being a heel as soon as his feud with The Shield is done.

What do you think? Can Henry thrive as a babyface, or is he better off as a heel?
After a ton of procrastinating I finally bought my plane ticket and hotel for Summerslam

It ended up working in my favor because I got an amazing deal on Priceline :pimp:

Who all will be out there?

Possible NT summit? :nerd:

Can't wait to put you and Suni through a table that following Monday.
Henry extended his contract for 3 years from what he said on his interview with Rosenberg so I don't see him being a face for the remaining time. I feel like he will be WWE champ before those 3 years and will be the dominant heel that he is so good at being while he holds the title.

I just hope I don't see Henry come out dancing and **** with The Usos @ Summerfest, if he's gonna be a face, let him be a dominant face and not another dancing fool like he was before.
Henry has been beasting in my WWE universe on 13 though :lol:

Beat Big Show going through the ring, then just beat Nash in hell in a cell. Will be my champ soon enough.
Dont like the Shield being stuck in this meaningless back and forth with the usos

The Shield and CM Punk are two of the main reasons i even still watch but seems like they're getting jerked

I wanna see Reigns and Rollins dominate and Ambrose win the World Heavyweight title

get it together vince
Next weeks Raw spoilers are up.

Here's a snippet of what the show may be like

- Vince McMahon’s promo that was taped at last night’s WWE RAW tapings was said to be a very bad segment. The segment wias described as lazy & too long.
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