Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows


@6 rings MJ

Nobody lied here. Kurt Angle was called by HHH. They agreed to nothing. He expected it would lead to something. People in the company expected it would lead to something. Somebody then decided it would not.

He's not the only guy who had been offered something that they changed their mind on in recent days. They want no controversies right now.

Damn, Ciampa vs. Gargano in the first round of CWC?

The end of the Rollins/Zayn match from Smackdown where Ambrose tells Rollins "Good job buddy, Im proud of you!" ...had me dying for some reason. Just the way that he said it. :lol:

Some one come through with that clip lol
Kinda digging New Day/Wyatts build so far. Makes for an interesting dynamic. Just wish Harper was involved instead of either Rowan or Braun

The Cesaro/Del Rio match was :smokin too. Seemed like a cliffnotes version of a longer name. Crews/Sheamus was pretty nice for the time involved as well. They both were real stiff with each other
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Samoa Joe VS Nakamura is expected to headline NXT TO BK.

Dean's title run is expected to be a short one.
Oooooooooh Becky :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: the female Sting eats another pin after walking Lil Mama Pump through one of her matches again

Ambrose money on commentary again. Having Cole, JBL, and King nowhere in sight was great. Mauro is fantastic, and even though Byron is lukewarm, and it took awhile for Otunga to really get into it, id rather roll with those three then ever having to listen to Cole/King/JBL ever again. Really good match between Zayn and Rollins too
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