Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

The crowd doesn't care one bit about the Lone Wolf but that's what happens when the only thing he's donw was trade wins with Job Ziggler for 3 months
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How long until they give this poor guy an extremely racist gimmick and isolate the entire Chinese population

And how is that deal in China good news for Paige? Wtf Byron how does that get her a title match, how did she earn this, what did she do? Has she even been on TV recently?
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I actually like seeing Naomi. Dolph and Nattie need to pack it in and call it a day

Nattie and Naomi are way too cheesy as faces, but awful at being heels..Both need to find a way to be a tweener and see if that helps their careers..
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