Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

Smackdown should switch to green or something.

And a new logo.

They need to make both shows feel equal and important.
SD was putting on fantastic matches while Raw was mostly HHH wiping off his sledgehammer.

I wonder with the Brand Extension, are they gonna change up the arena, or just continue to be cheap and just throw blue colors over Raw sets

- New sets

- New ring ropes

- New colors
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Matt def got into Jeff's weed & meth stash to do that damn gimmick :lol: :smh:
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SD was putting on fantastic matches while Raw was mostly HHH wiping off his sledgehammer.

I wonder with the Brand Extension, are they gonna change up the arena, or just continue to be cheap and just throw blue colors over Raw sets

- New sets

- New ring ropes

- New colors
Why is this in white writing?

Something is fishy

Memories man, remember watching this match when it originally aired.

Never would have thought Cena would become the person he is today. Dude looked like a generic CAW when you first started making one on Smackdown HTCP.

Man the roster was stacked at this time and SD consistently had quality matches. Good times
YOOOOOOO your so right bruh...
Roman was probably doing Adderall so that he could study hard and better himself as a human being

And he gets suspended for it :smh:
SD was putting on fantastic matches while Raw was mostly HHH wiping off his sledgehammer.

I wonder with the Brand Extension, are they gonna change up the arena, or just continue to be cheap and just throw blue colors over Raw sets


- New sets
- New ring ropes
- New colors

Hopefully the ring ropes have spikes and Swagger, Kane, Big Show and Eva Marie are the first featured match
The Resurrection of Jake the Snake is amazing and a must watch. It elevates his HOF speech and his Raw appearance even higher being able to see the struggle and the change.

Dallas Page honestly deserves a Nobel Prize or something for saving his and Scott Hall's life.
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The Resurrection of Jake the Snake is amazing and a must watch. It elevates his HOF speech and his Raw appearance even higher being able to see the struggle and the change.

Dallas Page honestly deserves a Nobel Prize or something for saving his and Scott Hall's life.
DDP had no mercy on Jake and called him out whenever he was in the wrong (got drunk at the airport). It was also interesting to see how little self-esteem Jake had vs. his larger-than-life character.

A really great documentary.
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It's on Netflix right? Might have to watch once I get all caught up on Silicon Valley....
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