Wrestling Thread January 2nd-31st/NXT Takeover Tonight At 8PM ET/NTWT Royal Rumble Info On Page 1/Ro

My man Dfly, what it look like homie? Been under the weather these last few days and headed to the Philippines to surprise my Pop for his 75th. Gonna be weird being without my wife and kids but only going for a week as we'll be going there and to Indonesia in the summer.

Working tonight? Any good work stories?

I'm hype for Ben Simmons to finally suit up soon.

Chillin. And that's cool man :smokin try to enjoy yourself.

Nope off tonight. Pulled alot of double shifts lately so I'm chillin for a few days.

No new stories tho. Almost got into a few fights but that's about it :lol:

Oh and another oil tanker exploded on I-95 but that was last month
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I thought they were very against the king getting involved in physical contact in their ring????? Which it looks like is going to happen dressed in the tights.
Wasn't Dolph also in the ring with Lawler when the crowd chanted "shut the **** up" at him?
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