Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

mark pinning the wrong guy initially :lol:

renee gotta show more skin if she is wearing that
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I thought it was................... CM Punk
at first, the start of it sounds just like his.
Reported.  No clue how some of y'all function without your precious ** ****
Pool B is V1 Matt Hardy

Pool A is current Matt Hardy
Oh Yeah!!!!!!! :lol:
:lol: you guys are awesome. ntwt fam >>>>
Not a better thread in existence b. :nthat:
POOL B FTW. :smokin
So all those other nights aren't enough?
MeanGene gotta be careful or he will prolapse like Ava Devine. :smh: Unless Miz ain't packin...
I get Heenan vibes from Corey Graves' commentary
Graves and now Mauro are by far the best commentary talent the company has currently.
judging from your activity in these threads id say no itd be a waste of your money
Damn. That ether 22. You already sauced homie. I'm currently :smokin
ya, i'm not participating in the rr pool...not dealing with this pool b nonsense...bunch a bull**** :smh:

i hope the # wins so none of yall win! **** yall
Damm Rhino, we got some legit dudes in Pool B. You, me, Ghost Peep, DFly and a few others.
Hello nice to meet you. Now leave nobody cares if you enjoy the show.
GotDamn. :lol:
It would be extremely foolish for them to sign him and not use him at Mania considering how thin the roster is right now.

Willing to bet they wouldn't have signed all these NJPW guys if the roster didn't implode with injuries
Have to agree. Vince gotta let the wrestlers wrestle more to take advantage of these guys skill sets. But that won't happen. :smh:
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