Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

Corbin's definitely improved. He went from being Heidenreich status to being way more than passable.
Good word here man

Watch "Michael Eric Dyson Breakfast Club Interview Power 105.1 (2/5/2016)" on YouTube

"Growing that beard to protect that chin. Good call"


Can't wait to see AJ Brooks get washed.
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Balor is injured :wow: :x :smh: WWE's injury list is way too damn high right now.
View media item 1900430

Of course you would, cause you're dusty and washed

Damn Peep. :lol: :smh:
WWE really needs to think about a off season
This should have been enacted years ago. Vince really grinds these people down to the bone. :smh:
You rest when you die.
That is how i live life. :smokin but the lack of rest will probably vause my early demise. :frown: :smh:
Off season couldn't save Finn Bálor.. The Coup de Grâce has been threatening Bálor ankles since day 1..
Never liked the double foot stompu as a finisher honestly.
whatever happened to a good ol DDT as a finisher
Those days are long gone man. :smh:
Word machos elbow hogans leg drop AA spine buster British bulldogs power slam simple but effective.

While were on finishers back in the day if you caught a macho elbow you knew you done. These days everybody kick out of finishers atleast three times a match smh.
Warrior vs Macho Man pissed me off so much as a kid for that reason. Dude completely ate those elbow drops like a grown man eating lunchables b.
i've been :smokin so i will edit once i see the pic. :lol: :smh: PLVN deserves that and more for that Prince Balor slander.
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Here is always what I wanted to see. (Just giving hypothetical names)

Jan - March: Everyone Active
April - May: Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt, Bellas, Cesaro, Kidd: OUT (They return in June)
June - July: Reigns, Sasha, Naomi, Lucha Dragons: OUT (They return in August)
August: Everyone Active for SUmmerSlam Season
Sept - Oct: Rest 8 more people
November: Everyone Active for Survivor Series
December: Just give everyone off so they can be with their families. Run some old re-runs or "Best of" shows on USA
View media item 1900754

Corbin is decent man

Y'all just don't like him because he's not an indy internet darling
Pretty much. He's a pretty solid homegrown talent with a really good finisher. You guys just want to see all of New Japan and Uhaul Nation...
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