Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

New Day was always corny
Santino was always corny
Peep's man Stardust was always corny

But there is a place for that stuff in wrestling. WWE just doesn't understand moderation

That's cause you didn't want to give any of those dudes a chance in the first place :lol:

Blk hart 2.0 
Always thought Maria looked good in her E days, but her recent pics have made me come around again. That def ps'd though, her *** isn't that nice
**** is just dumb man. I judge stuff like this. If a non fan walks past the tv, how embarrassed would I be by what is currently shown on the screen

Yeah my cousin who never watches this **** was like wtf you watching dudes with dildos on their heads and I tried explaining the unicorn thing til I realized how effin stupid I sounded
Ps: I really enjoyed that Big E/Uso match, don't even know why.

PPS: Tori is hot as hell cuz she has the voice of an angel
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