Wrestling Thread Jan 5-18 | 1/16 New Japan Debuts on AXS 9pm et - Tanahashi v Okada 2013

these dudes really brawling out in the middle of the city in this weather? that commitment. they want the brass ring.
@ angle making matches while dudes still brawling
i thought it would be too but they got the live tag bottom right of the screen.

i love low ki's mannerisms. dude plays his character out.

Shame that he let his ego get in the way when he was in WWE. Dude prolly would've been a multi time IC Champ by now.

When he did that entrance @ Wrestle Kingdom a couple years ago when he dressed up as Agent 47 from Hitman though....dope af
Kurt's crazy man he's really gonna wrestle in a blazer and jeans and a dress shirt? crazy man.
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Explain please, I never heard that story

Ki is well known for having a big ego behind the scenes. Dude thought he should've been higher up on the card even though he was only on the main roster for a cup of coffee at that point. Dude even faced Ziggler for the IC Title on PPV but lost clean(I think it was clean, I gotta look up which PPV that was.) Dude quit not too long after that.

Maybe he's more humble now, idk.
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Explain please, I never heard that story

Ki is well known for having a big ego behind the scenes. Dude thought he should've been higher up on the card even though he was only on the main roster for a cup of coffee at that point. Dude even faced Ziggler for the IC Title on PPV but lost clean(I think it was clean, I gotta look up which PPV that was.) Dude quit not too long after that.
damn, i thought he got fired for being a cruiserweight like 95% of small wwe guys eventually do
Ki is well known for having a big ego behind the scenes. Dude thought he should've been higher up on the card even though he was only on the main roster for a cup of coffee at that point. Dude even faced Ziggler for the IC Title on PPV but lost clean(I think it was clean, I gotta look up which PPV that was.) Dude quit not too long after that.

Maybe he's more humble now, idk.

it was survivor series 2010
Never knew Low-Ki wrestled on a WWE PPV.

Dude is talented as hell though. Unique style. He loves Muta too
Sad seeing Kurt waste some of what he has left in the ring on something stupid like this.
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