Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Hopefully Toni drops this clown Swagger soon.
It makes no sense what they're doing with Zeb, Cesaro, and Swagger.  Cesaro is the natural babyface.  Swagger is the natural heel.  But they're going the other way.  There is zero chance Swagger gets over as a babyface.
I'm gonna need tumblr to supply some closer views

I think the pyro was late cause Orton was standing to close to the corner. The pryo guy didn't want to burn his face off.
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I feel really bad for Darren Young.  I am sure it wasn't his idea to come out of the closet publicly. WWE clearly forced him to do it.  He got pushed for about a week, and now he'll probably be unemployed within 6 months.

Did miz just turn heel again?
I'm hopeful to think that the WWE is more accepting, but Vince will probably let Young go in a few months.
Darren Young lookin like Marty Jannetty right now.

- Those Punk chants were LOUD all night :lol:

- Finally saw Ziggler's promo. I loved it, too bad it might get him buried even deeper

- I can watch Bryan and Orton wrestle every week. These dudes know how to put on some good matches.
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Haven't watched anything wrestling related in a minute, so excuse my ignance. But did the cage get smaller or am I trippin?
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First time in a while that I watched a Randy Orton match and paid close attention to it.

The dude is really good. He just looks smooth in the ring and does a lot of things well IMO.

His match psychology looks really good.

I know he does a bunch of holds, but he is really good at making them look like they hurt. He's not just sitting there getting a breather. He is working.

People boo him because it's boring to them since he doesn't do a bunch of high-spots. Maybe people boo because they're tired of seeing him. But, I compare it to watching Tim Duncan play.

Like I said, I've never really paid attention to his matches, so I don't know if he always wrestles this way. But, tonight, I enjoyed what I saw (match-wise...the show overall was garbage).
Why on earth are they chanting CM Punk during this match. They want to act like a smark crowd but you can barely hear the daniel bryan and yes chants
You can't get mad at fans chanting CM Punk  when Yes and Daniel Bryan chants normally hijack the show.
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