Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

cheap ploy man that the philly crowd not buying into
I'm saying. People are not happy with this at all. WWE is eventually gonna make fans look for something else. Like New Japan or PWG. Or ROH. Like many of us have already done.
Damnit reigns it's the lower left turnbuckle

haven't you seen that orton vid on YouTube....
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This is so so so so great. Not a cheer in the building. This is such a great ending.
Love these fans. Even Rock was shocked he couldn't get Reigns a pop.
man.. wwe f'd up big time. that rock moment SHOULD have been something epic but istead itll be seen as a mask for the boos.
Even the annoucers cant save this man.

Roman getting the Cena treatment before he even made it
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