Wrestling Thread Jan 19-25 | 1/25 - THE ROYAL RUMBLE - Hardy vs Edge; Cena vs JBL (p18)

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

My man put in work up there.

QFT if my dude typed all that out
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Spoiler [+]
During this past Monday night's RAW, the show ended when Randy Orton attacked Mr. McMahon just as the CEO of the WWE was about to fired the "viper." While I understand the drama that the WWE is trying to present in this situation, I believe that "firing" angles are just plain dumb. Everybody knows that Randy Orton, and even Chris Jericho before him, would not be fired and head to TNA. If anything, they would just wind up on SmackDown!

Instead of firing a wrestler, the authority figure should demote the wrestler. Perhaps, they would make the wrestler work exclusively for the ECW brand, or make the wrestler perform in nothing but preliminary ("curtain jerker") matches for six months. That would be a little more believable then the usual "you're fired" even though you are still under contract and aren't going anywhere routine.

I feel a swerve coming on with this angle. Since the Royal Rumble is less then a week away, in other words, it's before the next RAW, the Orton/McMahon situation has been left unsettled. Randy Orton will probably win the Royal Rumble battle royal. On the following night's RAW, Vince McMahon will announce, "due to last week's attack, Randy Orton is fired from RAW." Orton will come out from back stage to confront Vinnie Mac. Orton will let him know that he is the Royal Rumble winner, and as the winner, Orton gets to pick which title he fights for at WrestleMania. Randy Orton lets Vince know that he wants to fight for John Cena's World Heavyweight Championship. Therefore, Vince can't get rid of Orton that easily.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Vince McMahon gets behind John Cena to rid RAW of Randy Orton. Despite Vince's hatred for Orton, Cena will be cautious regarding McMahon's backing of "the champ."

Finally, WrestleMania 25 will arrive, and during a key part in the match, Vince will interfere on Cena's behalf, without John's knowledge. However, the match will continue for a few minutes longer. During the climax of the match, Vince McMahon will show his true colors, as he turns on John Cena to prove that he was working with Randy Orton from the beginning.

Sure, it's a total knock off from the last time WrestleMania was held in Houston. At WrestleMania X-Seven, as well as 2000 in Anaheim, CA, Vince McMahon helped Steve Austin, and a year earlier Triple H, win the main event. The next night on RAW, Vince will admit that his feud against Randy Orton was all a big ruse. This will jump start a McMahon/Cena feud, ala Vince vs. Stone Cold from the late nineties.

Even though, I can't see a Mr. McMahon vs. John Cena feud leading the casual fans back to the wrestling industry, like Vince vs. Austin did (actually, it was the Monday Night Wars that jump started it, but the Vince/Austin feud took it to another level.). A Cena/McMahon feud makes sense.

The Mr. McMahon character is at his best as a heel. The whole point of the Mr. McMahon character is to be able to "boo the boss." Mr. McMahon is supposed to represent an authority figure that everybody hates. What initially made the Vince/Austin dynamic so great was that Austin was a rebel who was telling the boss to go to Hell.
This made for one of the most memorable storylines in wrestling history.

What would the WWE be like today if the Mr.McMahon character started out as a face? It's probably safe to assume that the WWE would have never won the Monday Night Wars. They may have outlasted WCW once AOL/Time Warner decided that they no longer wanted professional wrestling on their television outlets. However, the WWE would not have become the sports entertainment monster today. Just to see how pathetic it would have been if Austin loved Vince as a boss, just look at the pre-InVasion storyline following WrestleMania X-Seven.

The only time Vince McMahon should be a face is when he is out in public as the CEO of the WWE appearing on the occasional RAW/SmackDown! show. However, when he becomes the character of Mr. McMahon, appearing on TV on a weekly basis, he needs to be a heel.

The whole point of having an authority figure on a wrestling show each week is so he can screw with the babyfaces. Making life hell for the faces turns them into the underdog, who needs to overcome insurmountable odds in order to win. If the authority figure is a face, pushing around the heel may work for a couple of weeks. Anything more turns the angle from the heel finally getting what he deserves, and switches it to the heel gaining sympathy since he is now in the underdog position.

The WWE knows this fact all too well. If not Vince, then Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley will be turning heel soon enough. After all, WrestleMania is coming, and you need (or seem to usually get) a McMahon conflict around this time of the year. In my opinion, the only way the WWE will not pair a McMahon with Randy Orton is if they do a double turn, by turning Orton face and the McMahons into heels. While that can happen, if Orton goes face, who will be the heel challenging John Cena at WrestleMania? The WWE would never allow their merchandising cash cow to turn heel.

Besides, Randy Orton has finally regained the awesomeness that he had as the "legend killer" in 2004, before the WWE stupidly turned him face before he was ready. Orton is super over right now, and the last thing he needs is for the WWE creative to decide they should turn him face. The WWE needs to keep him heel. They also need to play out the McMahon/Orton angle like they did in 1998 with The Rock. Heading into the 1998 Survivor Series, The Rock was a face. He proclaimed himself as the "people's champion." Vince was against the people, so he was against The Rock. However, it was all a ruse. During the Survivor Series WWF World title tournament finals, Vince McMahon turned against Mankind, and The Rock turned heel to join the McMahons and capture the WWF title.

This time around, it's the McMahons who appear to be the faces. They need to convince John Cena and, more importantly, the fans that the McMahons are now babyfaces. Then, at just the right moment (WrestleMania XXV), they show their true colors by teaming up with Randy Orton to cost John Cena the World title. A heel McMahon is a lot more entertaining then a face McMahon family. And isn't that what the WWE is supposed to be all about, entertaining the fans? If you agree with me, to quote the soon to be WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin, "give me a Heel Yeah!"
Here's why these scenarios don't work and won't happen (I don't know why you put it in spoilers...those are all ideas thought upby a fan):

1). Vince McMahon isn't returning next week on RAW. That's way too quick...WWE is trying to sell this angle, so it wouldn't make sense for him toreturn on the next episode after being kicked in the head and carried out on a stretcher. Vince is supposedly making his return before WrestleMania or maybeduring the event itself.

2). Let's say that situation DID play out...why would Vince allow himself to get kicked in the head and knocked out just to "screw" John Cena?Doesn't make sense.

3). A McMahon vs. Cena feud could happen in the future, but there's no reason for it now because Cena is not Austin. Just like the dude said, Austin was arebel figure who basically said "@%+* you" to the boss...that's not in Cena's character. Cena can't pull off half the +!%# Austin didunless they tweaked his character...and that's not likely because they don't wanna take the risk of hurting merchandise sells.

4). Randy Orton isn't turning face anytime soon. He's supplanted Jericho as WWE's top heel and after what he just pulled off, a face turn in theforeseeable future is laughable. Cena isn't turning heel anytime soon either.

5). The "twist" in this angle will be Stephanie revealing that she and Orton had it planned all along...I'm assuming Stephanie will say sheplanned it with Orton as soon as she learned her father was coming back to the show. In return for putting Vince out, Stephanie helps Orton's goal to be achamp and possibly helps out Legacy too.
WOW put all that in a spoiler please? you may ruin it for some people that haven't read the spoiler...
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

My man put in work up there.

QFT if my dude typed all that out
nah i didnt type that, i copy and pasted it from a site..

i was goin thru vids online and i was watchin this....

dude got a 5 min, standing ovation
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Spoiler [+]
During this past Monday night's RAW, the show ended when Randy Orton attacked Mr. McMahon just as the CEO of the WWE was about to fired the "viper." While I understand the drama that the WWE is trying to present in this situation, I believe that "firing" angles are just plain dumb. Everybody knows that Randy Orton, and even Chris Jericho before him, would not be fired and head to TNA. If anything, they would just wind up on SmackDown!

Instead of firing a wrestler, the authority figure should demote the wrestler. Perhaps, they would make the wrestler work exclusively for the ECW brand, or make the wrestler perform in nothing but preliminary ("curtain jerker") matches for six months. That would be a little more believable then the usual "you're fired" even though you are still under contract and aren't going anywhere routine.

I feel a swerve coming on with this angle. Since the Royal Rumble is less then a week away, in other words, it's before the next RAW, the Orton/McMahon situation has been left unsettled. Randy Orton will probably win the Royal Rumble battle royal. On the following night's RAW, Vince McMahon will announce, "due to last week's attack, Randy Orton is fired from RAW." Orton will come out from back stage to confront Vinnie Mac. Orton will let him know that he is the Royal Rumble winner, and as the winner, Orton gets to pick which title he fights for at WrestleMania. Randy Orton lets Vince know that he wants to fight for John Cena's World Heavyweight Championship. Therefore, Vince can't get rid of Orton that easily.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Vince McMahon gets behind John Cena to rid RAW of Randy Orton. Despite Vince's hatred for Orton, Cena will be cautious regarding McMahon's backing of "the champ."

Finally, WrestleMania 25 will arrive, and during a key part in the match, Vince will interfere on Cena's behalf, without John's knowledge. However, the match will continue for a few minutes longer. During the climax of the match, Vince McMahon will show his true colors, as he turns on John Cena to prove that he was working with Randy Orton from the beginning.

Sure, it's a total knock off from the last time WrestleMania was held in Houston. At WrestleMania X-Seven, as well as 2000 in Anaheim, CA, Vince McMahon helped Steve Austin, and a year earlier Triple H, win the main event. The next night on RAW, Vince will admit that his feud against Randy Orton was all a big ruse. This will jump start a McMahon/Cena feud, ala Vince vs. Stone Cold from the late nineties.

Even though, I can't see a Mr. McMahon vs. John Cena feud leading the casual fans back to the wrestling industry, like Vince vs. Austin did (actually, it was the Monday Night Wars that jump started it, but the Vince/Austin feud took it to another level.). A Cena/McMahon feud makes sense.

The Mr. McMahon character is at his best as a heel. The whole point of the Mr. McMahon character is to be able to "boo the boss." Mr. McMahon is supposed to represent an authority figure that everybody hates. What initially made the Vince/Austin dynamic so great was that Austin was a rebel who was telling the boss to go to Hell.
This made for one of the most memorable storylines in wrestling history.

What would the WWE be like today if the Mr.McMahon character started out as a face? It's probably safe to assume that the WWE would have never won the Monday Night Wars. They may have outlasted WCW once AOL/Time Warner decided that they no longer wanted professional wrestling on their television outlets. However, the WWE would not have become the sports entertainment monster today. Just to see how pathetic it would have been if Austin loved Vince as a boss, just look at the pre-InVasion storyline following WrestleMania X-Seven.

The only time Vince McMahon should be a face is when he is out in public as the CEO of the WWE appearing on the occasional RAW/SmackDown! show. However, when he becomes the character of Mr. McMahon, appearing on TV on a weekly basis, he needs to be a heel.

The whole point of having an authority figure on a wrestling show each week is so he can screw with the babyfaces. Making life hell for the faces turns them into the underdog, who needs to overcome insurmountable odds in order to win. If the authority figure is a face, pushing around the heel may work for a couple of weeks. Anything more turns the angle from the heel finally getting what he deserves, and switches it to the heel gaining sympathy since he is now in the underdog position.

The WWE knows this fact all too well. If not Vince, then Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley will be turning heel soon enough. After all, WrestleMania is coming, and you need (or seem to usually get) a McMahon conflict around this time of the year. In my opinion, the only way the WWE will not pair a McMahon with Randy Orton is if they do a double turn, by turning Orton face and the McMahons into heels. While that can happen, if Orton goes face, who will be the heel challenging John Cena at WrestleMania? The WWE would never allow their merchandising cash cow to turn heel.

Besides, Randy Orton has finally regained the awesomeness that he had as the "legend killer" in 2004, before the WWE stupidly turned him face before he was ready. Orton is super over right now, and the last thing he needs is for the WWE creative to decide they should turn him face. The WWE needs to keep him heel. They also need to play out the McMahon/Orton angle like they did in 1998 with The Rock. Heading into the 1998 Survivor Series, The Rock was a face. He proclaimed himself as the "people's champion." Vince was against the people, so he was against The Rock. However, it was all a ruse. During the Survivor Series WWF World title tournament finals, Vince McMahon turned against Mankind, and The Rock turned heel to join the McMahons and capture the WWF title.

This time around, it's the McMahons who appear to be the faces. They need to convince John Cena and, more importantly, the fans that the McMahons are now babyfaces. Then, at just the right moment (WrestleMania XXV), they show their true colors by teaming up with Randy Orton to cost John Cena the World title. A heel McMahon is a lot more entertaining then a face McMahon family. And isn't that what the WWE is supposed to be all about, entertaining the fans? If you agree with me, to quote the soon to be WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin, "give me a Heel Yeah!"
Here's why these scenarios don't work and won't happen (I don't know why you put it in spoilers...those are all ideas thought up by a fan):

1). Vince McMahon isn't returning next week on RAW. That's way too quick...WWE is trying to sell this angle, so it wouldn't make sense for him to return on the next episode after being kicked in the head and carried out on a stretcher. Vince is supposedly making his return before WrestleMania or maybe during the event itself.

2). Let's say that situation DID play out...why would Vince allow himself to get kicked in the head and knocked out just to "screw" John Cena? Doesn't make sense.

3). A McMahon vs. Cena feud could happen in the future, but there's no reason for it now because Cena is not Austin. Just like the dude said, Austin was a rebel figure who basically said "@%+* you" to the boss...that's not in Cena's character. Cena can't pull off half the +!%# Austin did unless they tweaked his character...and that's not likely because they don't wanna take the risk of hurting merchandise sells.

4). Randy Orton isn't turning face anytime soon. He's supplanted Jericho as WWE's top heel and after what he just pulled off, a face turn in the foreseeable future is laughable. Cena isn't turning heel anytime soon either.

5). The "twist" in this angle will be Stephanie revealing that she and Orton had it planned all along...I'm assuming Stephanie will say she planned it with Orton as soon as she learned her father was coming back to the show. In return for putting Vince out, Stephanie helps Orton's goal to be a champ and possibly helps out Legacy too.
nash powerbombed bischoff back in wcw, it can happen
Originally Posted by 22stylez

WOW put all that in a spoiler please? you may ruin it for some people that haven't read the spoiler...
Trust me, no one is getting spoiled by anything I said...it's just some dude's thoughts, no actual rumors.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

nash powerbombed bischoff back in wcw, it can happen
Yeah but +%#% like that is exactly why WCW is dunzo.

Only scenario where Vince and Orton would possibly team up is if Vince uses the excuse "I was getting too softwhile I was away...Orton straightened me out, he kicked some sense into me" etc. etc...but that's already been done with DiBiase returning, actinglike he was gonna hit Orton and turning on Manu and Snuka.

Stephanie is the heel McMahon in this angle my dude.
^^^i wouldnt be surprised if she is.....but having mr. mcmahon as a heel would be way better
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

My man put in work up there.

QFT if my dude typed all that out
nah i didnt type that, i copy and pasted it from a site..

i was goin thru vids online and i was watchin this....

dude got a 5 min, standing ovation
I remember watching this when Hogan came out, they went to a commercial break and the crowd were still bananas after the commercial.� Theatmosphere must have been crazy.
I was watching a couple of old wrestling tapes I have lying around and I seem to have noticed a pattern fro mthen and now. I noticed the difference in amountof wrestlers from before and now. I also noticed the different costumes and gimmicks which were used before as opposed to now. What stuck out to me the mostwas the amount of color used in the past to promote PPV's and also on each character. I feel thats whaty made wrestling interesteing for me in the 90'sas there were so many different characters to choose as your favorite and you were always able to watch a huge selection of matches. It just seems to mewrestling is now so dark the only colors you see are dark. I wonder why that is I mean ever since the WWE switched Monday Night Raw to Raw is War it seems theylost all the color fro mthe ring to the characters to even the promotions. I truly do get tired of watching the same guys wrestle day in and day out. I meanthey dont even use the back stage or the locker rooms as they used to. I truly feel they dont promote the characters as they used to in the past. I feel theycould use certain characters to help promote the show and even develop them more. Lets take the Boogieman now they could promote him as they did the undertakerback in the day and set up a cool scenario for him developing as a demonic person I mean they could have even developed a feud between him and the undertakeras a bettle for something. They could have used Kizarny as more of a circus freak and clown not to try and top Doink but to follow or up date. There is so muchpossibility here with the WWE. I understand they have 3 shows but seriously I dont feel they are doing a right job with the characters as everything seemssloppy. I feel they really dont need ECW because it isnt ECW. ECW was known back i nthe days for its exterme and gruesome matches not the type of matches yousee today. ECW represented wrestling to the exterme with wrestlers putting their bodies on the line day and night. ECW now seems to represent what sunday nightheat and shotgun saturday night used to represent as it is truly pointless to watch. I just feel WWE needs to go back to their roots and try to make wrestlingwhat it was in the 90's even ifd they dont have much competition. I truly do miss the vast number of superstars and the different costumes and antics. Iwish WWE could bring that back.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 22stylez

WOW put all that in a spoiler please? you may ruin it for some people that haven't read the spoiler...
Trust me, no one is getting spoiled by anything I said...it's just some dude's thoughts, no actual rumors.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

nash powerbombed bischoff back in wcw, it can happen
Yeah but +%#% like that is exactly why WCW is dunzo.

Only scenario where Vince and Orton would possibly team up is if Vince uses the excuse "I was getting too soft while I was away...Orton straightened me out, he kicked some sense into me" etc. etc...but that's already been done with DiBiase returning, acting like he was gonna hit Orton and turning on Manu and Snuka.

Stephanie is the heel McMahon in this angle my dude.

no... having David Arquette as your Champion is why WCW is dunzo
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

I was watching a couple of old wrestling tapes I have lying around and I seem to have noticed a pattern fro mthen and now. I noticed the difference in amount of wrestlers from before and now. I also noticed the different costumes and gimmicks which were used before as opposed to now. What stuck out to me the most was the amount of color used in the past to promote PPV's and also on each character. I feel thats whaty made wrestling interesteing for me in the 90's as there were so many different characters to choose as your favorite and you were always able to watch a huge selection of matches. It just seems to me wrestling is now so dark the only colors you see are dark. I wonder why that is I mean ever since the WWE switched Monday Night Raw to Raw is War it seems they lost all the color fro mthe ring to the characters to even the promotions. I truly do get tired of watching the same guys wrestle day in and day out. I mean they dont even use the back stage or the locker rooms as they used to. I truly feel they dont promote the characters as they used to in the past. I feel they could use certain characters to help promote the show and even develop them more. Lets take the Boogieman now they could promote him as they did the undertaker back in the day and set up a cool scenario for him developing as a demonic person I mean they could have even developed a feud between him and the undertaker as a bettle for something. They could have used Kizarny as more of a circus freak and clown not to try and top Doink but to follow or up date. There is so much possibility here with the WWE. I understand they have 3 shows but seriously I dont feel they are doing a right job with the characters as everything seems sloppy. I feel they really dont need ECW because it isnt ECW. ECW was known back i nthe days for its exterme and gruesome matches not the type of matches you see today. ECW represented wrestling to the exterme with wrestlers putting their bodies on the line day and night. ECW now seems to represent what sunday night heat and shotgun saturday night used to represent as it is truly pointless to watch. I just feel WWE needs to go back to their roots and try to make wrestling what it was in the 90's even ifd they dont have much competition. I truly do miss the vast number of superstars and the different costumes and antics. I wish WWE could bring that back.

What, do you have ADD or something?
Damn I was just watching the MITB match at WM23 and all I can say is what the +%$+ happened to Mr. Kennedy. This fool had a serious push now this fool is doingstraight to DVD movies smh, he should have been held gold by now.

And btw can somebody recommend me some good Wrestling dvds I'm trying to step my collection up.

So far I got WM23 and the Hell in a Cell dvd.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Damn I was just watching the MITB match at WM23 and all I can say is what the +%$+ happened to Mr. Kennedy. This fool had a serious push now this fool is doing straight to DVD movies smh, he should have been held gold by now.

And btw can somebody recommend me some good Wrestling dvds I'm trying to step my collection up.

So far I got WM23 and the Hell in a Cell dvd.
Monday Night Wars, Rise and Fall of ECW, Forever Hardcore (not a WWE production), Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior (i thought it waspretty good), the first DX dvd, Ric Flair and the Horsemen, History of the Ladder Match, Beyond the Mat (maybe my favorite wrestling DVD ever, everyone needsto see it)
My collection of WWE dvds include:

Wrestlemania 21-24 with the last on Blu ray
Raw 15 years
The Ladder Match (Must Have)
Triple H King of Kings, The DX dvd released a couple years ago, both HBK dvds released, Summerslam 04, The Brian Pillman dvd
, The new IC title dvd, and have had many more but have just sold them off afteri watched. \

Also the Bret Hart set is very cool
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

No man Im just saying how come they dont have creation to costumes or different characters as they used to.

word. Everybody's a real dude now. and very bland. Where's the larger than life, off the wall characters? Everybody's gimmick is that they haveno gimmick (rip Chris Candito) which is why I haven't watched wrestling in so long. Why did I even click on the last page of this thread?
If I could be serious for a moment...

I guess you can call this my heel turn....

- I am always amazed at some of you here in the WWT. Every week I look in on this post and every week its the same thing. 4W starts the post and then abouttwo posts in, it happens...."where's DSK with the news and notes" or "waits for DSK
Aren't you all the same people who whine about how cool wrestling used tobe...Or how predictable wrestling is now a days. I'll give you hint as to why its so predictable....YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Some ofyou have gone as far as to post Wrestlemania spoilers. That'd be like me posting in the Sports Forum 3 months ago...*SPOILER ALERT*Cardinals vs. Steelersin the Super Bowl*SPOILER ALERT*...Its so lame. I'm not gonna act like I've never read the News & Notes (Shouts to DSK), but come on. Maybe ifthe E didn't have to try so hard to keep things from hitting the dirt sheets, they could actually build decent storylines that were well thought outwithout having to over swerve to compensate.

- You would have thought his name was Christ and not Christian with the way some of you are hyping his return. I've seen some of you say he was going toreturn at the Royal Rumble, win the Rumble, and/or headline Wrestlemania and win the WWE title. No disrespect to Christian, but the Macho Man being inductedinto the WWE Hall of Fame by Stephanie McMahon has a better chance of happening. I honestly don't have very high hopes for Christian's return. The Ehas never known what to do with him and I don't see that changing. I do hope he has the classical theme and sparkles again though.

- Say what you want about BarackOtista, but I actually can't wait for him to come back. But under one condition...he come back as a heel. I thinkBAPEtista could be one the best heels in the business if used properly. Here's how I picture his return...he comes back to a face pop and says"I'm coming for the person who put me out for X months", crowd loves it...Cena and Orton are in the ring (one would more than likely be champ)and everybody thinks he's going after Orton, heel turn, he attacks Cena, blames Cena for putting him out and not helping him during the Orton kick. Wecould also make him a womanizer and have him harass all the divas to give it that authentic feel.

- And lastly....Cody Rhodes...please...for the love of all that is holy...PULL YOUR MOTHER @*$*#%@ KNEEPADS UP!!! This *@%% drives me insane. I don't wishinjury on anyone, but I wouldn't mind seeing Cody get his kneecaps dislocated so that maybe he'll learn appreciate and protect them.

I get AquaGrape.

There are no gimmicks left in the WWE. If there is a gimmick to a wrestler, it's something stupid like the Boogeyman or Santino(I love Santino but hisgimmick is a joke). We don't have those cool gimmicks like a Razor Ramon. Jack Swagger? He looks just like everyone else. Theres no character orpersonality with anybody anymore.

Edge, Orton and Jericho are the only 3 guys that I can actually say are still entertaining. Shawn Michaels is my favorite wrestler of all time but I ratherhave him just retire then watching the dumb stuff he's involved with now. HBK broke? cmon now, nobody wants to see that.

Whats the point of Mike Knoxx? He's exactly what Snisky was. Ugly and can't wrestle. Dude doesn't have a gimmick or personality.

I try to watch but I just end up turning the channel and this is coming from a huge wrestling fan since 1996.
- I am always amazed at some of you here in the WWT. Every week I look in on this post and every week its the same thing. 4W starts the post and then about two posts in, it happens...."where's DSK with the news and notes" or "waits for DSKimage"...image Aren't you all the same people who whine about how cool wrestling used to be...Or how predictable wrestling is now a days. I'll give you hint as to why its so predictable....YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Some of you have gone as far as to post Wrestlemania spoilers. That'd be like me posting in the Sports Forum 3 months ago...*SPOILER ALERT*Cardinals vs. Steelers in the Super Bowl*SPOILER ALERT*...Its so lame. I'm not gonna act like I've never read the News & Notes (Shouts to DSK), but come on. Maybe if the E didn't have to try so hard to keep things from hitting the dirt sheets, they could actually build decent storylines that were well thought out without having to over swerve to compensate.


Only like 5% of the people that post in the WWT really whine about what wrestling 'used to be' and predictability. And I read the news & notes andother things around the net because well..the stuff interests me for the most part, it doesn't really bother me if I'm spoiled..it's not realanyways.


Best one so far.
I believe I'm only 3 dvds short from owning every WWE dvd ever made, not counting the single pay per view releases.
Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

- I am always amazed at some of you here in the WWT. Every week I look in on this post and every week its the same thing. 4W starts the post and then about two posts in, it happens...."where's DSK with the news and notes" or "waits for DSK
Aren't you all the same people who whine about how cool wrestling used to be...Or how predictable wrestling is now a days. I'll give you hint as to why its so predictable....YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Some of you have gone as far as to post Wrestlemania spoilers. That'd be like me posting in the Sports Forum 3 months ago...*SPOILER ALERT*Cardinals vs. Steelers in the Super Bowl*SPOILER ALERT*...Its so lame. I'm not gonna act like I've never read the News & Notes (Shouts to DSK), but come on. Maybe if the E didn't have to try so hard to keep things from hitting the dirt sheets, they could actually build decent storylines that were well thought out without having to over swerve to compensate.
Was wondering where you were...

I'm not gonna lie fam...I've had thoughts of why I read spoilers/possible spoilers cross my mind (especially since I'm heavily against spoilers in just about everything else)...but I just don't take wrestling as serious as I used to when I was akid. I'd rather discuss the possible outcomes and scenarios and things going on behind the scenes with y'all and just share thoughts. Also, noteverything posted always comes to fruition anyways, these dudes change plans like every week and still manage to surprise the fans regularly despite the rumorsand stuff that gets out there.

For the record, I'm one of those who doesn't complain about predictability...that'd be sort of stupid on my part, right?
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