Wrestling Thread Feb 4-10 | 2/7 Impact from England - Sting/Bully v Aces & 8's

Speaking of Taker's WM 30 opponent....

I'm hispanic if that matters.
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Reading the SD spoilers, they're turning Del Rio into another incredibly unlikable babyface.  It's like he took the exact babyface character from Sheamus when Sheamus would always bully Del Rio, and now Del Rio is using that character against The Big Show.

Rusty Shackelford-Black
Grizzly Herbert-Black
Venom lyrix-White
DOA vs NOD vs Los Boricuas vs Kaientai?
^ It's tough to really get into Del Rio. His promos are rough around the edges. WIth no disrespect since I am hispanic. His english needs polishing bad, his promos suffer from his skipping words or not pronunciating words.
Reading the SD spoilers, they're turning Del Rio into another incredibly unlikable babyface.  It's like he took the exact babyface character from Sheamus when Sheamus would always bully Del Rio, and now Del Rio is using that character against The Big Show.

:smh: :smh: Damn. And i did notice the shift from his immediate face turn to right now. I still dig him though, which I'm very surprised about. Del Rio (at least before now) is doing what I thought Miz was gonna do. But Miz's face turn has been a bit underwhelming.
i feel like this is the consensus with 85% of NT. Everyone thinks everyone on this site is mostly black and when they find out they are not it's shock and awe word to the gong randomly hitting with the lights out.
Funny because I just assume everyone is Asian
Really I figured it was either or on here. Either you're black from NY or you're Asian from California
GREAT MATCH. Mr Perfect was that dude

Hennig was that dude..But I can't watch this..Reminds me of how great Scott Hall could have been and how much he threw away..He could have easily been a main event singles wrestler and had the WHC several times..
Hennig was that dude..But I can't watch this..Reminds me of how great Scott Hall could have been and how much he threw away..He could have easily been a main event singles wrestler and had the WHC several times..
Dog, looking at those 4 people. All of the are either dead or ****-ed up right now. Damn man. Damn.......... :smh:
- Despite WWE's continued claims that TNA is not competition to them, it's being said that when TNA announced it would be taking Impact on the road, WWE began calling a number of mid-sized venues and placing them on hold so TNA cannot book them for events.

It's also being said that if TNA does in fact run shows every Thurday night that WWE is considering running events on the same nights in the same areas, possibly in an attempt to lure fans away from TNA.

Damn Vince, you ruthless :lol: :smh:
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At press time, there was no update on Undertaker at Mania. Right now the plan is Undertaker vs. Punk until he says he’s not doing the show, but there is no commitment now that he is doing the show. His body is in really bad shape, particularly his hip and shoulder. Friends of his are hoping he doesn’t do the show. As far as what happens involving Punk if the match is off, we don’t have a hint. To me, the best bets are either a singles match with Ryback, which changes his plans for the show, or adding him as a third guy in Rock vs. Cena.

Credit: WrestlingObserver
Right now there is talk of using both Lesnar and Rock at SummerSlam. They want the Hollywood community to be part of the SummerSlam festivities and Rock to a great extent and Lesnar to a lesser extent makes it seem to those who aren’t big wrestling fans like it’s a big event.

Credit: Wrestling Observer
At press time, there was no update on Undertaker at Mania. Right now the plan is Undertaker vs. Punk until he says he’s not doing the show, but there is no commitment now that he is doing the show. His body is in really bad shape, particularly his hip and shoulder. Friends of his are hoping he doesn’t do the show. As far as what happens involving Punk if the match is off, we don’t have a hint. To me, the best bets are either a singles match with Ryback, which changes his plans for the show, or adding him as a third guy in Rock vs. Cena.

Credit: WrestlingObserver
Please don't make it vs. Ryback. Put him in the Main Event where he rightfully belongs. How do you hold the title for 400+ days and are not the main event at wrestlemania. Makes no sense.
Right now there is talk of using both Lesnar and Rock at SummerSlam. They want the Hollywood community to be part of the SummerSlam festivities and Rock to a great extent and Lesnar to a lesser extent makes it seem to those who aren’t big wrestling fans like it’s a big event.

Credit: Wrestling Observer

Oh please let it happened. I would attend it to see Lesnar & Rock.
The current word from WWE is that R-Truth and Christian are expected to return within the next two weeks. R-Truth had his leg sliced up at the TLC PPV and they didn’t even want him near a ring until the cut fully healed because of a concern over a possible infection. That’s the expectation about being cleared. Mark Henry, for example, has been cleared for some time, but they may hold them off longer if they don’t have a reason to put them on TV, particularly during Mania season where if they’re not booked for something in Mania, the idea is often just to wait until after the show to put them back on TV in some cases.

Terry Funk pulled out of appearing for the Pro Wrestling Syndicate promotion over WrestleMania week because WWE contacted him to work for them. That immediately led to speculation Funk will be the guy to induct Mick Foley into the Hall of Fame. Don’t know that as a fact.

Credit: Wrestling Observer
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