Wrestling Thread Feb 2-15 | 2/11 NXT Takeover: Rival - Zayn v Owens, Balor v Neville

Interesting podcast. Glad he feels a 2 hr raw is better.

SCSA should have HBK , Hogan or Foley next.
It was okay, a lot of wrestling talk.. but not enough pressing questions. Vince one was definitely better... still would like more of these once a month/once every two months.
Rowan's time away made him a changed man? He was gone for like 3 weeks :lol: :lol: That promo was still better than most of Reigns'

And this is what's next for MizSandow, a rehash of Brie/Nikki? Ok
After staying up to catch the main event and the podcast, can easily say that was the most satisfied I've been with the end of a show in a longgg time.

Bryan/Rollins was highly entertaining and the interview left me feeling that there is a bright future under the reigns of HHH.
It was okay, a lot of wrestling talk.. but not enough pressing questions. Vince one was definitely better... still would like more of these once a month/once every two months.
What questions did you want Stone Steve to ask?

- He asked about the Rumble situation and Reigns monster push

- He asked about DBry

- He asked abou the CM Punk situation

- He even asked about Chyna.

What other topic did you want him to discuss with Trips?
That no-sell Fameasser into the Sister Abigal :rofl: :x :rofl: very good match, Bray continues to look strong, and Dolph looks good while losing, or "doing what he does best" "lol
Glad Stone Cold mentioned Daniel Bryan.........and Dolph Ziggler as two dudes with the brass rings being dangled in front of them ready to grab
Missed Raw so what did I miss??

i missed the first half

but d bry will wrestle romulan raines in the near future for a title shot against the beast incarnate

instead of raines having the title shot already

and steve austin did a 1+ hour shoot interview with triple heche following raw
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Nikki looks good as ****

Her and Brie are both corny as **** too though
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Hunter Hearst Helmsley gets a lot of flack. But you know what I learned from that podcast. He thinks the same way a lot of us do. I'll always have a special level of respect for him.

I think we're all in agreement that less is more in terms of Raw. 2:05 is the sweet spot. 3 hours leaves a lot of down time.

WWE has to do a better job of putting more in these guys' lap.

I think Daniel Bryan is going over at Fast Lane and at Mania.

Austin knows our pain with the promos :lol:
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