Wrestling Thread Feb 16-28 | 2/25 NTWT WWE Fastlane PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted

BDB - thanks for the heads-up on the Jericho/Patterson podcast

ish was dope

Patterson said some things about a young Bob Backlund that remind me of present day Romulan Raines
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Cool pic of Jericho and Storm, and props to Lance looking like a shaved Nikita Koloff with the CCCP on the tights.

green rhino123 green rhino123 the brownie I had is not helping me with that observation you have of Piper, I'll have to reread it a lil more.

Anyone catching the ROH PPV? Bad move on TNA to feature Samoa Joe on their Friday show and then he'll pop up tonight on ROH.
for the old schoolers...interesting little piece i came up with...

Roddy Piper seemingly made his WWF debut as a manager before taking on the role of full-time heel wrestler.
During this time in early 1984, Piper can be seen on camera with a pretty nasty scrape on the right side of his face...

View media item 1426033

Now...the story was that he received inner ear damage during his Starrcade '83 Dog Collar Match with Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine (11/24/83)
and therefore had to "sit out" for a while before being healed & cleared...

So I always assumed that the scrape on his face seen during Jan/Feb of 1984 was from that match with Valentine...I was WRONG!!!

Late 83/early 84 - Piper was feuding with Buzz Sawyer. A Dog Collar Match was booked to settle the beef...
On 01/08/84 Roddy Piper fought Kurt Von Hess in a Dog Collar Match (as a last minute substitute for Sawyer.)

View media item 1426042

This is actually when Piper received the scrape on his face...NOT from the Starrcade '83 match with Valentine that would have tied things together neatly.

Here (below) is Piper with Schultz & Okerlund in January 1984 BEFORE the 01/08/84 Dog Collar Match with Sawyer...but obviously AFTER Starccade '83

View media item 1426044
^no scrape!!!!^

In conclusion, Roddy Piper actually had a Dog Collar Match on a WWF card in Toronto in January 1984 when he was supposedly healing & not cleared to wrestle & acting as a manager....was he part of this Toronto Collar match because doctor's clearance didn't apply in Canada so he could? Piper has said no-kayfabe that he was really injured during the Starrcade '93 match though...Vince must have known about the Toronto match...z-pack...

If it was in Toronto, then maybe the WWF and powers of the NWA and Mid-Atlantic had a joint show since that was the terrritory owned by the Tunneys. I believe after Vince got a hold of Toronto, he just used Jack Tunney as a figurehead President of the WWF as part of the deal or something along those lines.

Weird that dog collar matches would be equivalent as steel cage matches as the final match to end in Mid Atlantic and the GA territories.
yup, you can see the ropes & turnbuckles in the piper/hess pic i posted, they look nwa or canadian nwa; but most on that card were wwf

i could see Jeans in a Dog Collar Match, no?

edit: these matches were also known as "Chain Matches" which is arguably more innocuous.
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first Sasha and now ....
You should stop trying to send nudes to nxt womens wrestlers, thats Seth Rollins' job.
Piper's Pit with Valentine and a brief hint of their past feud mentioned:

On my iPhone so don't know why there's no preview.
Piper's Pit with Valentine and a brief hint of their past feud mentioned:

On my iPhone so don't know why there's no preview.

valentine came into the wwf hulk-a-mania era with albano but quickly changed to jimmy hart
rare valentine

to all the heyman fans out there...take a look at this albano promo on valentine!...

hof material
Edgar what you say bruh?


Spent two hours shoveling. Did my house, my neighbor's crib, back is shot, feel like I just worked a match with that dumb **** Ryback.
^ This was before the Brooklyn segment with Rocky/Rusev.

And agreed that Rusev seems like a nice dude irl.
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