Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

damn, i didnt realize till it was too late that the Owens shirt i sent my elf was being sent on the 26th. oh well.

this is a great time to be a wrestling fan btw.

the network
njpw available in usa

can't complain
OVW class of 01-02 (Cena, Orton, Batista, Lesnar, Benjamin) or NXT class of 14-15 (Balor, Itami, Zayn, Neville, Owens)???
OVW just because they all got Shovel and Vince hard (except Shelton). Although the NXT class is more talented ring wise.
OVW class of 01-02 (Cena, Orton, Batista, Lesnar, Benjamin) or NXT class of 14-15 (Balor, Itami, Zayn, Neville, Owens)???

I'm going with NXT class..I'm not a fan of Cena or Orton, I like Bork and Tista, and I wasn't watching wrestling when Benjamin was in WWE..I've really enjoyed everything I've seen from the NXT guys, so it's a pretty easy choice for me..
Again it's way too early to judge the NXT class yet. Wait till they're further into their main roster runs.


Also, why the hype over the tease of the GTS? Did Punk take the move from him?


And yeah Kenta created the move.
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mosca callin' patterson "little boy blew"

also - it was rare to see mcmahon that animated back then
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