Wrestling Thread Dec 31-Jan 13 | 1/13 TNA Genesis PPV |

The crowd wasn't much the entire time... they havent listened to a word that's been said. This is in chicago, NY, oakland, etc this thing would have great.

Cookie **** huh... Punk's promo >...

Punk will kill Rock on the mike. Who knew there would ever be a day.
Rock does the same shtick and it's usually charismatic enough to make us forget it's the same **** but damn Punk set the bar too high tonight.
Punk shot that cookie **** (
) chant down with the quickness.
Popeye on crack...

Toot toot...

Cole laughing...

This is so wack.
Between Cena & Rock idk who has more one liners but it always pisses me off
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