Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Are ppl gonna turn on Balor for being boring and getting a huge push super early (like Reigns)? Or are ppl gonna give him a pass cause he's everyone's favorite indie darling?

As for Miz, he's one of those guys who you automatically dislike for the obvious reasons...but you know, the SCF would actually be a pretty devastating maneuver to unleash in an out-of-ring situation...and that corner clothesline/duck under ropes thing is pretty cool...and his music fits him...plus he's a really good talker...you know what, the Miz is aight.

He worked his way up (mostly) the right way, moving through the titles in an orderly fashion from his first Tag-Team win to singles gold in traditional order of prestige. While some question his merit as a World Champion in a somewhat depleted competitive class at the time, there's little doubt that he's one of the more memorable Superstars of this generation and...a likely future HOF.

I'd say he's incredibly credible.

That's pretty much the same reason I cut Miz some slack. He had a natural/organic come-up. I can respect that, even with Coral smacking him up on Real World.
Is the wwe HOF mean something now? Or is it still a joke in your guys opinions?

I only take it half serious..

On one hand it's a joke with Rose, Frump, Carey, and Sasha Sr in there..But I understand why they're in cause it's part of the entertainment aspect..

On the other hand I take it serious cause it's, to me, important and meaningful that the true legends of the sport get their due..It'd mean more if they had an actual building at the performance center fans could visit though..

So it's kinda 50/50 in my old man eyes..

And HTM deserves to be in the HOF..If not for his record IC run then he needs to go based off his hilarious shoot interviews..
Lilian Garcia is leaving WWE to take care of he ailing father..

Who's gonna be the new ring announcer?..
Del Rio got his hands on that booty yet ?
Just finished G1 day 8... Notable great matches so far...

Yano/Omega (for me it was :lol:)
Roderick Strong to WWE is pretty much a given now.

They're giving Strowman the Ryback push, he's gonna be doing alot of squashes.
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