Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

I first saw Dolph Ziggler when he introduced himself to everyone backstage an that one Raw event. I do vaguely recall a squad of male cheerleaders that featured a similar-looking competitor, but that's a common misconception. Since that time, he has evolved into a highly capable performer who is a threat to win matches on any given night.

As for Miz, he's one of those guys who you automatically dislike for the obvious reasons...but you know, the SCF would actually be a pretty devastating maneuver to unleash in an out-of-ring situation...and that corner clothesline/duck under ropes thing is pretty cool...and his music fits him...plus he's a really good talker...you know what, the Miz is aight.

He worked his way up (mostly) the right way, moving through the titles in an orderly fashion from his first Tag-Team win to singles gold in traditional order of prestige. While some question his merit as a World Champion in a somewhat depleted competitive class at the time, there's little doubt that he's one of the more memorable Superstars of this generation and...a likely future HOF.

I'd say he's incredibly credible.
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Y'all think Honky Tonk Man should be in the HoF?
Yes. Although history will not smile on his shaky won-loss record, and honestly, I'm not a fan myself, he has shown the ability to compete with some of his top contemporaries as well as establish his dominance against lower-ranked competitors on the way to some of the lofty industry accolades mentioned above.

The Honky Tonk Man will likely be remembered as something of a Chael Sonnen type, someone who had a fair amount of success during his active career but is most memorable for his entertainment value--namely, seeing him get beat up after talking a bunch of stylish ****.
This @cosmiccoffee9 fella dropping knowledge
Thanks man, I have a deep respect for the sport and the passion exhibited by the athletes of the Cruiserweight Classic has helped reignite my fire for serious competition in the squared circle.

EDIT: Why Diddy look like he's dying inside in that promo pic? The unnaturally furrowed brow, the forced smile, that's a man under duress.
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Too late for me.. I'm soured how they did the Macho Man induction.. **** ***** ruined it!! Also mad that it wasn't the headliner even thought they were building Macho Man as the headliner..

I need to go back and watch that. I was out of wrestling at that time.
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