Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

I'm still a little behind, but my lord, y'all are acting like Balor can't put together a coherent sentence. Dude is just fine. Not everyone can be SCSA/Cena/Rock. It's crazy to me how you guys turned on him. Oh well.
Case is smoking rock cocaine

Seth is $$

Seth is an amazing in ring talent..Dude can have a great match with anyone but struggles with promos..

He reminds me so much of Bret Hart..Smaller guys that are excellent in ring technicians, can make anyone look like a million bucks, but have a hard time on the mic..Not to say either man doesn't have the occasional solid promo, but for the most part both will never be known for their mic work but for their amazing wrestling ability..
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