Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Ziggler gotta be related to Perfect somehow. Them both having spaghetti hair can't be a coincidence. I think Dolph dyes his hair blonde though.
Ziggler gotta be related to Perfect somehow. Them both having spaghetti hair can't be a coincidence. I think Dolph dyes his hair blonde though.

Never put ziggler in the same paragraph as curt. This is your first and only warning.
I've read recently people have kinda been turned off by Bret's views

What did he do/say?
Ziggler gotta be related to Perfect somehow. Them both having spaghetti hair can't be a coincidence. I think Dolph dyes his hair blonde though.

Been saying this. The only time Axel has charisma is as a comedy character. he couldn't even get over with Paul Heyman as a manager, the IC title, and a "win" over HHH.

I've read recently people have kinda been turned off by Bret's views

What did he do/say?

He's just been sounding like the usual bitter past their prime dudes. CliEastwood back in my day everything was better get off my lawn type stuff

Been on the roster since 2011 and still can't find decent attire :lol:
I've read recently people have kinda been turned off by Bret's views

What did he do/say?

He's just doing the bitter old man act. Said Rollins is dangerous to work with because of the Sting incident and buries the current talent frequently.
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