Wrestling Thread Aug 31-Sep 13: 9/7 Raw- Happy Labor Day, Paige vs Sasha

While I know y'all don't like Cheap Heat, I think they just brought up a solid point in the newest one, regarding WWE potentially smartening up and now may be trolling here and there in effort to keep potential match winners and whatnot still a surprise. They started this convo because of the pic of Baron Corbin joining Reigns/Ambrose against the Wyatts. They talked about how awesome it would be if Samoa Joe joined them instead, and WWE may have just put that pic out there to throw everyone off the scent and actually make it a surprise. Rosenberg then noted that when they were doing NXT recordings for stuff that was supposed to happen after Takeover, that they had Kevin Owens come out with the belt, which made people think that he was going to beat Balor in the ladder match, however, that never ended up happening.

If this is actually true, I applaud them for finally smartening up.
Also if they really are planning on bringing the Hardys back, I kinda hope it's primarily as singles guys while occasionally going for the tag belts.

Hearing this theme again in the middle of a segment would make the crowd go NUTS:

Just as I don't mind the Dudleys being back, I wouldn't mind the Hardys being back either...

I wasn't watching when Jeff had his big singles run, so maybe I'm missing something here, but what would be the point of bringing him back for singles competition? Doesn't Neville basically do what he does?
Neville will never be as over as Jeff was.

Jeff spot-fested himself into the main event underdog story.

If Jeff comes back, it's gotta be the original theme song, the newer one above sucks in comparison.

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Got the greenlight to have a Wrestling Club at my school.

I have to write lesson plans for it though.

What are some categories you think I have to discuss.

Got the greenlight to have a Wrestling Club at my school.

I have to write lesson plans for it though.

What are some categories you think I have to discuss.


consequences of juicing (teach the kids that working out hard can pay off w/o it)
It will be a class of like 15 kids.

So I can show videos of course.

We meet once a week. Friday 1:10 - 2:15

I need like ten BIG categories
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