Wrestling Thread Aug 26-Sep 8 | 9/2 RAW - Happy Labor Day

RT @alexdgreenfield: Didn't the locker room band together and get HHH fired from the GM position like two years ago? How quickly they forget.
Completely forgot Orton and Cody had a pretty awesome NO DQ/FAlls Count Anywhere match in 2011 (?), around the time when Cody still had his mask

That fan screaming "COOOODDDDYYYYY!!!!!" in an almost distraught tone :lol: :lol:

dude was distraught.

EDIT: get outta my head Peep
The fan with the Dusty costume :lol:

EDIT: Grizz :stoneface:

Cody chants :pimp:

If Orton had caught Cody with a moonsault RKO counter, I would've fainted
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