Wrestling Thread April-September 2018 RIP

So why did you make the decision TODAY that you "weren't watching"?
breh i stopped after wrestlemania, backlash was still under my sub.. and I honestly got tired of. Same shiiiii. But like mention i wouldnt mind watching with ya for the disappointment per usual. But i thhink ima stay in this bar and get more ****** and read ya disappointment..
If Drew is just supposed to be in Dolphin's corner, why is he in full ring gear?..
Final Form Drew looking like a Bloodborne boss, Jesus.

PRD look like he's finna incite a riot after the match.
seth lookin like thanos

dolph with the IC belt on his tights :lol:

finn's dad up close to watch his son take the L
jon stewart front row. watch him interfere :lol:
Cole said dean injured his tricep during a 6 man tag Match. I thought dean “hurt” IT when Samoa joe stomped it out. :rolleyes
Wow... this is the opener. :lol:

I just started it up after working in my garage.

God damn that’s hilarious.

I legit can’t believe Seth is the opener.
I know it's Thanos inspired, but it just dawned on me he wore one gold boot to resemble the infinity gauntlet - the infinity bootlet. So amazing!
:smh: u my guy and all.... but i knew you were washed when i found out you working graveyard and your wife telling u to go byke to school :rofl:
Naw b you got it twisted i work graveyard because i watch my kids during the day. I talk to my wife about going back to school because i dont like what i do she never told me too. But hey this is nt im being emotional yada yada (insert gay saying followed by a DC quote of non sense)
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