Wrestling Thread April-September 2018 RIP

spoiler that crap

nia is hard to look at

I thought you were talking about Taker and the Globtrotters at first. Nia is beautiful, but those boots don't work with her cankles.

The Hulkkster. I'm sure Peter Rosenberg is somewhere light weight smiling.

You're missing a K, Brother.

Forget to mention this when I gave my thoughts on the latest NXT.

The tag match with MM v. UE was very good, some great storytelling for the conclusion of that match.

Mauro overdid it a tad though. Was fully expecting him to saw Seven and Bate were lovers and Seven was carrying their child. :lol:

Like I said the finish was some good storytelling but I was like "Why doesn't Bate come in to break up the submission."

Made the babyfaces look weak and stupid.

The rule is you get only one break up pin per match. If he did it again he would've gotten dq'd. It's a rule not brought up often enough. As babyfaces they wanted to lose honorably

I have never heard of this rule in my life. I will ask when I go to training tomorrow if anyone else has heard of this. Don't get me wrong, it makes sense and would make this match make more sense.

Get the f-ck outta here... this a rib?

I'm with you on this one, but I'm going to confirm tomorrow.

As for the Hogan situation, what did anyone expect? The owner of the company used the N-Word on television. Do you think he actually cares? I don't hate Hogan and I even laughed when I heard the comments, but flat out white people are judged completely differently than blacks ESPECIALLY in the court of Public Opinion.

Obviously, I am black if that matters.
Only one person can make America great again.
hey, at least you did not ignore that ish & i respect that

it gets so exhausting sometimes to even keep track of this topic and who falls where, but fact is something like that affects me more than any of his 16 title wins.

...and apologize for holding attitudes he very likely still holds? like "I'm sorry I'm a racist but my views have evolved, my daughter can **** any kind of _ she wants?"

nah, keep it. wear your colors proudly.
The ONLY thing that'll work is silence. This tweet is how they twist the crowd chanting about other ish during the match

it gets so exhausting sometimes to even keep track of this topic and who falls where, but fact is something like that affects me more than any of his 16 title wins.

...and apologize for holding attitudes he very likely still holds? like "I'm sorry I'm a racist but my views have evolved, my daughter can **** any kind of _ she wants?"

nah, keep it. wear your colors proudly.

Dame Dash recently said he thinks its a bad idea or bad parenting to co-sign your daughter to date a rapper and he explains why.
What Hogan said is different in some ways but the same in another.

Not that anyone cares but let me say this about Hogan:

He was the man when I got into wrestling so he was my favorite.

His first mistake, though, was going so hard on the "prayers and vitamins" gimmick when he was gassed to the gills.
Then he lied about all of it.

Then he had his reality show - where he creeped me that **** out with how he treated his daughter and the way he
pushed her as a sex symbol. (we're talking ric flair/charlotte steez or worse)

Then these racist remarks that none of us have even heard but I do believe were made.

Like...I stopped really idol worshiping him so long ago & for so many reasons none of this stuff specifically has
a major impact on me.

Last thing - When Vince was representing Snuka at the Police station after the murder...Vince supposed said the following:

"I'm in the garbage business. That's what I do. Nothing you say will surprise me." (in reaction to the police trying to bully him)
- the cops were supposedly taken aback by this, but why????
It's called Roids...

lack of strength did not restrict his move set
like it restricts all these dudes these days that couldn't do it even if they tried (and juiced) - hogan was big and strong to begin with

this dude drew mac look like hogan with no juice - and i bet drew mac cycled recently before his return to the wwe
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