Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

Can't wait for Reigns/Orton!
roman reigns is not that fat..
Hey Lawler...you're the oldest person on commentary and almost died of a heart attack on live television. You don't have the right to make old person jokes.
I wish Cena and ADR would jump bail and New Jack was sent to collect the bounty..
They have been on the decline since losing the tag titles. How much longer is creative gonna stretch out the impending breakup of the Brotherhood?
I wish Cena and ADR would jump bail and New Jack was sent to collect the bounty..

Speaking of bounty...I wish Steve Blackman's bounty hunter show would've got picked up. Watching Blackman just washing ppl left and right would make for good TV. :lol:

I wish Cena and ADR would jump bail and New Jack was sent to collect the bounty..
Damn. You want New Jack to catch MORE bodies? Lol. I've hated Cena strong since probably 06 but wish death on no man. I lied. I hate paul pierce for his wheelchair antics years ago. And I still say terrible mean things about him to this day. :smile:
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