Wrestling Thread April 11-17 | 4/17 TNA Lockdown PPV - All Cage Matches - Angle vs Jarrett

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

HHH's Horse Fail At WrestleMania
According to sources, WWE originally planned for Triple H to ride a Clydesdale horse to the ring for his match against The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXVII.During a test run, the horse fell through the trap door on the WrestleMania stage, with Hunter riding it. The horse was spooked and went wild. Plans for the ring entrance were immediately scrapped.

The horse was a 'Clydesdale'. Our source says Triple H couldn't guide the massive animal away from the trap door, which had a casket (this would hold The Undertaker). That would then rise to the top of the stage during the entrances. According to the source, the horse fell through the stage with Triple H riding it and crushed the casket during the rehearsal. 'Taker was not inside at the time.
The arena was immediately cleared of staff members and rehearsal was canceled. We've been told that the horse was stuck for hours and almost had to be euthanized due to the extreme stress it had suffered. WWE crew members also had to dismantle the stage so the horse could be freed.
WWE management then made the call that it was not worth the risk and plans were scrapped.

Me and a friend were talking about how funny it would be for Taker to come out on a horse, ala his "Last Outlaw" tee that's out right now, haha.
at the SD! Spoilers...but like someone said earlier...bet they give the strap to Del Rio and have Christian chase.
at the SD! Spoilers...but like someone said earlier...bet they give the strap to Del Rio and have Christian chase.
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

I knew this was coming..

What venue is nice enough to hold Wrestlemania in the Bay Area?! LOL

There were rumors way back saying it would be in AT&T Park.

In our dreams man....
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

I knew this was coming..

What venue is nice enough to hold Wrestlemania in the Bay Area?! LOL

There were rumors way back saying it would be in AT&T Park.

In our dreams man....
Originally Posted by theDEEK

So I guess that Los Cuatros Horsemen attack never happened as im that one wasn't even in the building?

*no sells*

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Pretty much. and you were the first to comment on what i said. way to go thedork. [/color]

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

For the past 2 months, DSK has been in rehab for his addiction to Cena merchandise. Troubled by his addiction, NTWT officials forced DSK into rehab, going so far as having NTWT's parent company NT and its CEO Method Man to place a ban on DSK until he gets clean. All was going well during his treatment until DSK saw WM's main event, showcasing Cena's new Confederate shirt. Sources within the rehab center say he became belligerent towards staff and continued to yell, "I JUST HAVE TO HAVE IT!!!" Rumors state that long time friend DragonFlyJones smuggled Cena's new shirt within his rectum to appease his addicted friend.

and plans are underway for a merchandising deal to produce similar, kid-friendly cod pieces.


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]at work in dyin. well played sir.[/color]
Originally Posted by theDEEK

So I guess that Los Cuatros Horsemen attack never happened as im that one wasn't even in the building?

*no sells*

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Pretty much. and you were the first to comment on what i said. way to go thedork. [/color]

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

For the past 2 months, DSK has been in rehab for his addiction to Cena merchandise. Troubled by his addiction, NTWT officials forced DSK into rehab, going so far as having NTWT's parent company NT and its CEO Method Man to place a ban on DSK until he gets clean. All was going well during his treatment until DSK saw WM's main event, showcasing Cena's new Confederate shirt. Sources within the rehab center say he became belligerent towards staff and continued to yell, "I JUST HAVE TO HAVE IT!!!" Rumors state that long time friend DragonFlyJones smuggled Cena's new shirt within his rectum to appease his addicted friend.

and plans are underway for a merchandising deal to produce similar, kid-friendly cod pieces.


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]at work in dyin. well played sir.[/color]
On this day...........I see clearly...............

Thanks for all the Great Matches Mr. Copeland. You will be missed.
On this day...........I see clearly...............

Thanks for all the Great Matches Mr. Copeland. You will be missed.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

[h1]Backstage Heat On Sin Cara[/h1]
Vince McMahon is down on Sin Cara using a trampoline for his ring entrance since he's botched it two out of three times at television events. Following last night's flub, the unique entrance may be altered or completely scrapped.Cara was said to be very nervous prior to his first television match last night in regards to converting to the WWE style of wrestling. Personnel were down on both him and Primo following their match.

I think they're best off dropping the trampoline.  They can come up with something better, especially with him just walking out onto the stage.  As far as being down on him, that's stupid.  There was one botched spot, and it was Primo's fault.  I'd also be down on whoever put that match together because they had Sin Cara sell WAY too much to Primo.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

[h1]Backstage Heat On Sin Cara[/h1]
Vince McMahon is down on Sin Cara using a trampoline for his ring entrance since he's botched it two out of three times at television events. Following last night's flub, the unique entrance may be altered or completely scrapped.Cara was said to be very nervous prior to his first television match last night in regards to converting to the WWE style of wrestling. Personnel were down on both him and Primo following their match.

I think they're best off dropping the trampoline.  They can come up with something better, especially with him just walking out onto the stage.  As far as being down on him, that's stupid.  There was one botched spot, and it was Primo's fault.  I'd also be down on whoever put that match together because they had Sin Cara sell WAY too much to Primo.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Bret Hart On The Rock, WrestleMania 27, Edge

On Sheamus-Bryan and Cole-Lawler: "I also had to scratch my head and wonder how the WWE could pull the Sheamus v Daniel Bryan match and let Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole go for 30 minutes. It just seemed really crazy to me. My biggest disappointment was that two of the best wrestlers in the company, Bryan and Sheamus, didn't get a chance to show what they can do on a WrestleMania. I thought Lawler v Cole was built up really well, with most fans wanting to get their hands round Cole's neck by the time WrestleMania came. But I don't know why they went so long. It's not a match that needs to go very long. Michael Cole clearly can't actually do anything. That's the part I don't get. It should have been about four or five minutes long max. Sadly going so long, meant they really took all the light away from the other wrestlers that earned it through the year."

Obviously I agree with Bret here, but Bret... what about your match on Mania last year?  That was 100x more painful to sit through than Cole/Lawler, and it last even longer (I think the whole segment went about 40 minutes).  It caused Punk vs Mysterio to go 6 minutes, and Showmiz vs Truth/Morrison to go 3 minutes.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Bret Hart On The Rock, WrestleMania 27, Edge

On Sheamus-Bryan and Cole-Lawler: "I also had to scratch my head and wonder how the WWE could pull the Sheamus v Daniel Bryan match and let Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole go for 30 minutes. It just seemed really crazy to me. My biggest disappointment was that two of the best wrestlers in the company, Bryan and Sheamus, didn't get a chance to show what they can do on a WrestleMania. I thought Lawler v Cole was built up really well, with most fans wanting to get their hands round Cole's neck by the time WrestleMania came. But I don't know why they went so long. It's not a match that needs to go very long. Michael Cole clearly can't actually do anything. That's the part I don't get. It should have been about four or five minutes long max. Sadly going so long, meant they really took all the light away from the other wrestlers that earned it through the year."

Obviously I agree with Bret here, but Bret... what about your match on Mania last year?  That was 100x more painful to sit through than Cole/Lawler, and it last even longer (I think the whole segment went about 40 minutes).  It caused Punk vs Mysterio to go 6 minutes, and Showmiz vs Truth/Morrison to go 3 minutes.
More Talent Tweet About Edge

John Cena - "CeNation. I am very proud of edge for all that he has accomplished. He is certain to be in the hall of fame. Im proud to have had so many Great moments with him. He is a true wrestling purist and one of the smartest people I've had the pleasure of wrestling with. For your last match to be a championship win at WrestleMania ...is a damn good finish to one helluva career."

The Rock - "Edge - you are my brother, an inspiration and define the word "superstar". THANK YOU Adam.. for everything."

Randy Orton - "Will miss Edge not only in ring, but in the lockeroom even more. He was one
of the few who I could call a friend. I learned alot from him."

Goldust - "Much rather edge be happy and safe without hurting further"

Beth Phoenix - "Seeing edge say goodbye was surreal. He is irreplaceable."

Sinn Bodhi - "Yes it's real about Adam... No comment... Except, love you Fatty!"

Gangrel - "Posse up edge! One love. There would be no brood without @christian4peeps and edge was very sad to hear the news but happy to see him start a new life!"

Mick Foley - "A sad day for wrestling, but what an amazing career for Edge. I was so fortunate to have been his opponent, his partner, his friend.

Rikishi - "EDGE You've done well. Thank you for your friendship my Canadian UCE !!! Enjoy full-time with family NOW "

Sean Waltman - "Beside's I love the guy & I hope he enjoys his retirement, for how ever long it may be. He deserves everything he achieved"
Shannon Moore - "Yeah my wife told me about Edge turning in his boots last night. I'm Happy that he knows when the ring is a danger. You guys remember that Wrestling is a Biz to us and luxury to you. Edge will do great in his next steps of Life. Thank you Edge for all the bumps and bruises that you put your body through. You where one of the best in the ring. Hopefully some young guys takes notes. Young man does well for himself =makes money=saves money=retires young=lives ever after a good life. Who knows he might get better and make a big return. You never know!!!!!"

Seth Rollins - "It's sad...and scary for me."

Steve Corino - "I always enjoyed Edge. Good dude too. Always nice (must be the Canadian in him). Good luck to him in his future. Def HOF guy."

MVP - "You know Edge the performer. I know Edge the person. 1 of the best in ring performers EVER. His mind for our craft is AMAZING! HOF'er!"

Tara - "Good luck to Edge on his future endeavors. He will be missed. But he is going to love retirement. Enjoy !"

Blue Meanie - "is shocked at hear that Edge is having to retire from wrestling......While I will miss watching him perform I am glad the diagnosed him in time to spare any further damage......He is a great guy. One of my favorite opponents that I had in the WWF......His success has been well deserved and I wish him I happy and HEALTH rest of his life."

Shad Gaspard - "I'm extremely sad to hear about edge being forced to retiring. One of the few upstanding guys left in the business and a great locker room leaders. Glad he can leave a champion & on top after a great match at WM. Adam you will be missed.
More Talent Tweet About Edge

John Cena - "CeNation. I am very proud of edge for all that he has accomplished. He is certain to be in the hall of fame. Im proud to have had so many Great moments with him. He is a true wrestling purist and one of the smartest people I've had the pleasure of wrestling with. For your last match to be a championship win at WrestleMania ...is a damn good finish to one helluva career."

The Rock - "Edge - you are my brother, an inspiration and define the word "superstar". THANK YOU Adam.. for everything."

Randy Orton - "Will miss Edge not only in ring, but in the lockeroom even more. He was one
of the few who I could call a friend. I learned alot from him."

Goldust - "Much rather edge be happy and safe without hurting further"

Beth Phoenix - "Seeing edge say goodbye was surreal. He is irreplaceable."

Sinn Bodhi - "Yes it's real about Adam... No comment... Except, love you Fatty!"

Gangrel - "Posse up edge! One love. There would be no brood without @christian4peeps and edge was very sad to hear the news but happy to see him start a new life!"

Mick Foley - "A sad day for wrestling, but what an amazing career for Edge. I was so fortunate to have been his opponent, his partner, his friend.

Rikishi - "EDGE You've done well. Thank you for your friendship my Canadian UCE !!! Enjoy full-time with family NOW "

Sean Waltman - "Beside's I love the guy & I hope he enjoys his retirement, for how ever long it may be. He deserves everything he achieved"
Shannon Moore - "Yeah my wife told me about Edge turning in his boots last night. I'm Happy that he knows when the ring is a danger. You guys remember that Wrestling is a Biz to us and luxury to you. Edge will do great in his next steps of Life. Thank you Edge for all the bumps and bruises that you put your body through. You where one of the best in the ring. Hopefully some young guys takes notes. Young man does well for himself =makes money=saves money=retires young=lives ever after a good life. Who knows he might get better and make a big return. You never know!!!!!"

Seth Rollins - "It's sad...and scary for me."

Steve Corino - "I always enjoyed Edge. Good dude too. Always nice (must be the Canadian in him). Good luck to him in his future. Def HOF guy."

MVP - "You know Edge the performer. I know Edge the person. 1 of the best in ring performers EVER. His mind for our craft is AMAZING! HOF'er!"

Tara - "Good luck to Edge on his future endeavors. He will be missed. But he is going to love retirement. Enjoy !"

Blue Meanie - "is shocked at hear that Edge is having to retire from wrestling......While I will miss watching him perform I am glad the diagnosed him in time to spare any further damage......He is a great guy. One of my favorite opponents that I had in the WWF......His success has been well deserved and I wish him I happy and HEALTH rest of his life."

Shad Gaspard - "I'm extremely sad to hear about edge being forced to retiring. One of the few upstanding guys left in the business and a great locker room leaders. Glad he can leave a champion & on top after a great match at WM. Adam you will be missed.
This isn't spoiling anything for Smackdown, so I just want to rant quickly about it because it really pissed me off reading it.

What's there any freaking reason to have Edge and Kane shake hands?  Like really?  Edge supposedly killed Kane's father last year (along with tormenting him for months).  We all know wrestling storylines are fake, but could they please try to keep kayfabe just a little bit?  What benefit is there from Kane and Edge shaking hands?  Absolutely nothing other than telling your fans that everything you do on tv is a crock.  I don't care if Edge and Kane are best friends in real life, Kane didn't need to be on camera with Edge, no less shaking his hand.  So stupid and frustrating.
This isn't spoiling anything for Smackdown, so I just want to rant quickly about it because it really pissed me off reading it.

What's there any freaking reason to have Edge and Kane shake hands?  Like really?  Edge supposedly killed Kane's father last year (along with tormenting him for months).  We all know wrestling storylines are fake, but could they please try to keep kayfabe just a little bit?  What benefit is there from Kane and Edge shaking hands?  Absolutely nothing other than telling your fans that everything you do on tv is a crock.  I don't care if Edge and Kane are best friends in real life, Kane didn't need to be on camera with Edge, no less shaking his hand.  So stupid and frustrating.
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